Facial Flaws

When you talk about acne we’re talking about clogged skin pores, or deep lumps on our face, chest, back, neck, shoulders and upper arms. These may be called whiteheads, blackheads, cysts or nodules. If you are a teenager you’re probably going to get acne. In fact, you could get it even if you’re as old as 40 something. While it won’t threaten your life, it could upset your life by disfiguring you permanently. Even acne that’s not severe could end up doing that.

Hormones that change during the start of puberty are the reason you get acne. Sebaceous (oil glands) work overtime during this time in your life. They are generally reacting to androgens, a male hormone. Females have androgens too, though not as men as guys.

A sebaceous follicle – a hair shaft inside your sebaceous gland – is the culprit. When you are in puberty the cells of your skin lining these sebaceous follicles start to shed more than when you were younger. If these cells stick together as they shed oil increasingly it probably is going to plug up the opening of the sebaceous follicle. The oil keeps building up, though, and with no way to get out it just makes that follicle swell up. This is an acne lesion.

Bacteria exists normally in your skin and one bacterium called P.acnes multiplies more than it usually does if a hair follicle gets clogged. This is irritating to your skin and often inflames it. It can even make the follicle burst which then inflames other skin around that follicle. What results then are acne pimples, nodules and blackheads, commonly referred to as lesions.

You may have heard some myths about acne, most of which are probably false. If you heard, for instance, that not having proper hygiene will cause acne, you heard wrong. If you believe this you could end up over washing your face or being too harsh in scrubbing it and you’ll make the acne worse. Surface dirt and oil aren’t the causes of acne. While you certainly don’t want to leave dirt and excess oil on your skin its removal needs to be gentle, with light scrubbing and washing twice a day. Then you should simply pat it dry, again gently. You certainly can try one or several of the over the counter acne treatments or see your dermatologist if the acne is severe or the over the counter treatments haven’t worked for you.

No matter what you’ve heard, stress is not an acne contributor. Normal every day stress will not cause acne. While excess stress might take you to a doctor for a prescription to calm you or help you deal with your depression and that medication might irritate your skin, the stress is never the cause for the onset or exacerbation of acne. Of course, if the medicine seems to be the culprit tell your doctor.

The third acne myth about acne is that what you eat affects your acne – that things like chocolate or pizza or fried foods can create acne or make it worse. Or that avoidance of such foods will keep you acne free or make it go away. This is not so. Yes, a balanced diet is good for you, but it won’t affect your acne.

Folks might also tell you that your acne isn’t a problem to worry a lot about because it is only cosmetic. Acne, however, can hurt the way you feel about yourself, and it can leave lasting scars both physically and emotionally. In spite of what some people might say to you, that is a serious consequence of acne.

External Acne Care

Acne is basically an internal condition triggered by several underlying factors. However, there are additional external acne symptoms that may enhance the formation of acne or interfere with the healing process of your existing acne on the external level (e.g. the external acne environment). Without handling these external triggers, it will be very difficult for anyone to overcome their acne challenge, especially when the holistic treatment is performed while the individual still suffers from “live” and “evolving” acne.

Clogged or very large pores, oily or very dry complexion and bad skin hygiene do not cause acne but they interfere with the healing process of the skin and make your external acne environment more prone or “susceptible” to acne.

Taking care of your skin on a daily basis by incorporating simple and easy to follow protocols may not only enhance the healing process of your existing acne it will also balance your skin ph levels, making it smooth, even toned, radiant and healthy looking.

Although there are many types of cleansers available for different purposes (exfoliation, clean, medicate), washing your face twice a day using a gentle antiseptic and anti-bacterial 100% natural soap like tea tree oil soap, or Cetaphil soap can help reduce inflammation, swelling and redness and significantly improve the overall appearance of your skin without the irritation, allergy reactions and over-dryness that over the counters like Benzoyl Peroxide can cause.

Washing your face should always come after a good 5 minutes steaming routine. After the steaming, follow these 3 easy steps:

1. Use lukewarm water to get the soap wet.

2. Apply the soap to your face using your fingertips in a circular motion.

3. Wash your face gently and pat your skin dry using a cotton towel.

If your sebaceous glands are producing too much oil (due to hormonal imbalance that should be fixed internally), then you probable have excessively oily skin and large pores. To tackle that problem externally, do not use alcohol and water astrigent, instead use soap like Neutrogena clear pore oil Controlling astrigent or even better apply an all natural mask made of bentonitre or egg whites.

An extremely dry skin can also be treated internally through balancing oil secretion protocols and dietary changes and supplementation, including the regular intake of 10 glasses of pure water on a daily basis. As for the external care, applying lots of good quality moisturizer such as 99% Aloe Vera gel while avoiding harsh and un-natural external care products; can significantly reduce your dryness.

Warning: Excessive washing of the face can cause mild to moderate irritations and increase redness and inflammation, defeating its own purpose.

If you have sensitive skin, the best practice is to test each product prior to using it, using dollar size amount on your chin, regardless of its quality or the nature of its ingredients.

Everything you need to know about Acne

Acne or commonly known as zits or pimples are skin inflammation affecting 87% of the total US population. They usually appear during puberty because of abnormal response of the body to the male hormone known as testosterone.


Until now, the causes of acne are still being investigated. However, scientific studies show that it can be hereditary. Other factors linked to zits are the following:

1. Skin irritation.

2. Use of Anabolic steroids. Most body builders are taking these synthetic hormones for faster growth of muscles and bone tissues.

3. Stress that increase hormones from adrenal glands.

4. Exposure to chlorine compounds like chlorinated dioxins.


Most people who are suffering from acne on their teens notice decrease or total disappearance of acne when they reach their early twenties without seeking treatment. However, there are some who are suffering from it for decades. The following are proven treatment against acne.

1. Exfoliation.

This can be done through the use of liquid scrub, abrasive cloth, or other exfoliating agents that allow the skin to peel to prevent dead skin cells build-up. This process also unblocks clogged pores.

2. Antibiotics.

There are 2 kinds of antibiotics that are being used to treat acne: These are topical antibiotics and oral antibiotics.

Topical antibiotics are applied directly to the affected area. They are being used to remove bacteria trapped on the follicles. This is more popular compare to oral antibiotics because it eliminates possible side effects like drug interactions or stomach upset.

Oral antibiotics on the other hand regulate cell behaviour and reduce oil secretion to unclog the pores.

3. Hormonal treatments.

This treatment works best for females. Oral contraceptive pills contains progestogen and oestrogen that can help in reducing acne. Some dermatologists administer an injection containing cortisone directly to a large pimple that reduces inflammation and redness almost immediately.

Advanced treatments

Dermatologists are now considering the use of laser surgery not only to reduce acne scars but also to prevent acne formation. This can be done by burning the sebaceous gland and follicle sac to induce oxygen that kills the bacteria causing acne. This is recommended to people who are suffering from severe acne.

Acne scars

Severe acne leaves scars that are very expensive and difficult to treat. Although there are no guarantees that acne scars will be removed completely, there are scar treatments that lessen them. These are the following:

1. Dermabrasions.

This treatment removes the top layer of the skin using high-speed wire brush making the acne scar less visible. People who are suffering from severe acne will need multiple treatments to get desired results. This can only be done by cosmetic surgeons and dermatologists.

2. Microdermabrasion.

The newest technique in dermatology that enhances dermabrasion. This is being done by rubbing tiny crystals on the affected area using suction tool.

3. Chemical peeling.

This treatment uses organic acid like salicylic, glycolic, or lactic acid to remove the top layer of the skin so that smoother layer will surface. This is generally painless and does not require anaesthetic.


Several books were introduced in the market stating that acne can be prevented by following strict diet and avoiding dairy products. They also suggest that adequate exercise and proper hygiene can save anyone from acne problem.

Acne can be a tough case however, knowing how to keep it away from your face is the strongest weapon you can have to enjoy a beautiful face and life.

Essential Vitamins For Acne Remedy

Many nowdays are deficient in vitamins and minerals due to improper diet. Studies show that fewer than 32 percent of Americans eat the required servings of vegetables each day. Also, the American diet is comprised of too much of processed sugar and not enough fruits and water. A deficiency in essential vitamins and supplements can only spell trouble for the skin. If your body does not get the required nutrition for skin renewal, tissue repair and for its organs to naturally detoxify, then your chances of getting acned skin, along with other health problems, are likely to increase.

Vitamin A strengthens the protective tissue of your skin and helps in acne remedy. It reduces the production of sebum and works in repairing the tissue that skin and mucous membranes are made of. It’s also a powerful antioxidant. Antioxidants are important and needed to help rid your body of toxins that have built up. A lack in Vitamin A can cause acne!

The Complex B vitamins are also helpful in preserving healthy skin through the relief of stress. Stress has been identified as a major trigger for acne for some people. The B vitamins should always be taken together. Thiamine is an antioxidant, helps circulation, and aids in digestion. Riboflavin works with Vitamin A and is essential for healthy skin, hair, and nails. Niacinamide helps with the metabolism of carbohydrates in your system and improving circulation. Niacinamide shortage in your diet can cause acne. Pantothenic Acid or B5 is popular for helping to reduce stress and is needed for the adrenal glands to function properly. Vitamin B6, or Pyridoxine is important for the correct function of your immune system and antibody production.

Vitamin C with biofavonoids is also referred to as the “super vitamin» and can play an important role in your acne remedy. Vitamin C is instrumental in at least 300 metabolic functions in your body, is needed for tissue growth and repair, and flushes toxins from your system. Vitamin C also improves immunity and protects against infection. If you have diabetes, check with your doctor for the dosage that is best for your body.

Chromium, widely used for weight loss also helps fight acne. Chromium should be taken in an added form since chromium in foods is not easily absorbed. Much of it is lost in processing and high doses of sugar cause the loss of chromium.

Zinc aids in acne remedy by regulating the activity of the oil glands. It promotes the healing in tissues and helps to prevent scarring. Zinc promotes a healthier immune system that in turn aids in the healing of wounds. In addition, a powerful antioxidant that helps prevent the forming of free radicals, or toxins that can harm your body.

Finally, Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant. It improves healing and tissue repair and prevents cell damage by inhibiting oxidation of fats and the formation of free radicals.

One interesting fact about acne can be noted that is a multivitamin with added chromium supplement will give you most of what your body needs for the day. It should be also noted that taking too much of a vitamin or mineral can also be toxic and dangerous. Read the recommended dosage and stick with it.

With enough vitamins for your body, you are assured of a well nourished body. Your body organs, cells and tissues can perform optimally on the inside and you get to see the benefits on a physical level.

Oils for Acne

Tea tree oil is known to have antifungal and antiseptic properties, and has been used for many years as an antimicrobial agent and to help clear skin of acne. study with over 100 participants, published in the Medical Journal of Australia, demonstrated that a 5% tea tree oil gel was just as effective as a 5% benzoyl peroxide lotion in the treatment of acne. Though the tea tree oil worked more slowly to clear acne, it produced fewer side effects.

Sandalwood essential oil has been shown to inhibit growth of a type of bacteria that is commonly a cause of acne. It is thought that a specific component of sandalwood essential oil, farnesol, is responsible for antibacterial and antifungal activity. Other essential oils containing farnesol include jasmine, palmarosa, and ylang ylang. These essential oils may also be effective against acne.

Make your own aromatherapy acne wash by adding up to 5% of the essential oils mentioned above to unscented face or body wash. For an aromatherapy acne gel, use pure aloe vera gel as a base, and add up to 5% of the essential oils mentioned above.

Be sure to avoid getting essential oils in or near the eyes. Also beware that because there are many products that contain tea tree oil, the risk of sensitization is increased due to increased exposure. There is always the potential for becoming sensitized to specific essential oils, so it’s wise to rotate use of different essential oils, rather than using the same essential oils over and over.

Eliminating Ugly Acne Marks

With some ailments, the name says it all. Acne, the dreaded symptom that manifests itself as pimples or zits, is scientifically called Acne vulgaris. And true to its name, it is unsightly and often causes more than physical scarring among millions of teens worldwide. But like any other bodily manifestation, acne too has a cure.

Sure, there are a wide array of them available in the marketplace to help you choose from, but truth be told, acne is not a permanent condition and acne cures that work actually exist.

Before one starts looking at available acne cures, it might be a good idea to try and understand what causes acne in the first place. Contrary to popular belief, acne is not caused by bad facial hygiene.

Nearly everyone believes this though and any acne cures, that stem from this belief are unlikely to work. What does cause acne however is hormonal changes in the body that result in the production of excessive oil from the sebaceous glands.

In some other cases, acne is caused when the pores are blocked or when the sebaceous glad itself is a victim of some infection. In order to work, acne cures must first target the underlying problem.

An acne cure that targets the infection of the sebaceous glad for instance is unlikely to work in a case when the acne is a direct result of hair duct blockage. Like with any other illness, acne cures too must target and work on the root cause of the problem.

There are several kinds of acne cures available in the market. First, there are topical acne cures. These usually comprise some creams or lotions that can be applied directly to the affected area.

These kinds of acne cures normally include topical antibiotics, glycolic acid, lactic acid and gluconic acid. In some cases, such acne cures might also involve an active ingredient like azelaic acid cream and in cases where the acne is severe, accutane and sotret might be active components.

Apart from the topical, there are also several oral acne cures available. Most chemists and drugstores have a wide variety of oral acne cures available readily on their shelves.

However, before using such acne cures, it might be a good idea to see a dermatologist, who can not only identify the cause of your individual acne, but also prescribe the most suitable treatment for you.

A recent innovation in the acne research field has brought to the fore another kind of acne cure. This is laser acne treatment and is becoming increasingly popular as the results have proven to be spectacular.

Effective Care And Treatment Of Adult Acne

Adult skincare can be a challenging task even under the best of circumstances. Working to maintain healthy looking and feeling skin can be a complicated and time consuming task even for a person who is not afflicted with any type of troublesome or bothersome skin condition. Any man or woman who is afflicted with adult onset acne has additional challenges to face and meet in dealing with skincare related issues. With that said, by keeping some basic facts and following some proven treatment regimens, a person suffering from adult acne can achieve success in reigning this particular skin condition into control in the not too distant future.

Understanding the Causes of Adult Onset Acne

In reality, the primary causes of acne in adults are not all that different from what causes acne in children and teenagers. Indeed, in some instances when it comes to trying to trace the exact cause of adult acne, the task can be rather difficult as it is with younger people, including teenagers. In many instances there can be multiple reasons why a person becomes afflicted with acne as an adult. In some instances, an adult experiences an outbreak of acne due to improper skincare efforts. A person in such a situation is not properly cleansing and treating his or her skin on a daily basis. As a result, oils and dirt can build up on the skin causing there to be an outbreak of acne.

Additionally, there is some evidence to suggest that diet can play a role in the onset and development of acne in adults. There are a significant number of myths associated with foods and acne. However, the bottom line is that if a person does not eat a healthy and well balanced diet on a regular basis, he or she become more prone to the possibility of becoming afflicted with acne. Stress has been demonstrated to be a cause of acne in some men and women. Of course, stress can have a number of different negative consequences if it is not properly dealt with in an effective manner. On occasion, a person develops adult acne in response to different environmental conditions. In this regard, many people overlook the fact that their very homes can be the sites of contaminants in the air and in other areas that can result in different problematic conditions, including adult onset acne.

The Importance of Thorough Skin Cleansing

The most important step in dealing with (and preventing in the first instance) adult acne is a thorough and regular skin cleansing and washing program. For example, when it comes to the care and treatment of the skin on your face and neck, a person needs to make certain that he or she thoroughly cleans and washes his or her skin at least twice a day with an effective and appropriate facial cleansing product. In this day and age, there are some reliable skin cleansing and treatment products on the market for people who are suffering from acne, including adults and young people. An example of such a product that has proven to be most effective in properly cleansing skin and treating an acne condition is ZENMED™ Derma Cleanse®. Additionally, ZENMED™ Derma Cleanse® has been demonstrated to be effective in preventing acne outbreaks on the first instance.

The Necessity of Exfoliation

In addition to making certain that a person utilizes an effective skin cleansing product on a regular basis, that person will also want to make certain that he or she regular exfoliates the skin. Exfoliation is vital for the removal of dead skin cells, dirt, debris and oils that otherwise can accumulate on the and in the skin. By not regularly exfoliating, these waste products can accumulate on the skin, clogging the pores and then establishing an environment ripe for an acne outbreak.

Viable Skin Treatment Regimens

As mentioned previously, it is important for a person to utilize reliable and viable skin treatment regimens for the care and treatment of acne. Unfortunately, there is a wide array of different products on the market that are not in fact effective in the care and treatment of an acne condition. As a result, it is imperative that a person use only those treatments and products that have an established track record for successfully resolving an acne condition. Also as was mentioned earlier, ZENMED™ Derma Cleanse® is an example of a product that has proven itself successful in the care and treatment of acne, including adult onset acne.


While the outbreak and presence of adult acne can be a frustrating experience, there are now solid methods through which a person can work to resolve an adult acne condition. By following the tips and steps outlined in this article, an adult can be well on his or her way towards combating an acne condition. Additionally, by paying attention to the tips delineated in this article, an adult can work to prevent an outbreak of acne in the future.

Effective Acne Treatments for Teenagers

Acne affects virtually all teenagers at one point or another, to varying degrees. Teen acne is hereditary and is brought on by hormonal changes related to menstrual periods, pregnancy, birth control pills, or stress; oily hair and skin products; certain drugs such as steroids, testosterone, estrogen, and phenytoin; and high levels of humidity or sweating. While acne attacks boys and girls alike, it is worse in boys because they produce more skin oils. However, girls are more likely to seek out a dermatologist. Either way, fear not: everywhere you look, there is another teen acne treatment to be found.

There are many over-the-counter acne treatments for teenagers to unblock pores, reduce bacteria and dry out pimples. They contain benzoyl peroxide (such as Neutrogena On-The-Spot) or salicylic acid (such as Stri-dex). For more effective yet harsher treatment, there is sulfur or resorcinol (such as Clearasil Adult Care). Acne responds best when treated early.

All acne treatments work by preventing new breakouts, and must be used over a period of weeks or months. Even if you begin to see improvement, continue treatment. Follow the directions on the package or as prescribed by your dermatologist.

Even more numerous than over-the-counter medications are prescription drugs and topicals that curb oil build-up, skin cell shedding and bacteria growth – all while drying and peeling away old acne and stimulating healthy skin growth. In cases of unresponsive or severe acne, isotretinoin (Accutane) may be used. Talk to your dermatologist to find out what is appropriate for your case of acne.

To avoid scarring, you should never pick or squeeze acne, especially inflammatory acne or “pustules”. Squeezing forces infected material deeper into the skin, causing additional inflammation and possible scarring. Also, avoid scrubbing your skin. If you do get scars, acne scar treatment is available in many forms.

Effective Acne Treatment Options

Acne is the most prevalent skin disorder that usually afflicts first the adolescent population. With 70% of the adolescents affected with this skin disease, it is considered one of the most menacing disease especially during this transitional period of an adolescent’s life since, though it may not be that fatal, it could cause some serious emotional trouble to a person ridiculed because of his or her not so clear complexion.

The medical community to help resolve this skin dilemma presents various acne medications and therapeutic methods. Formulation of various medications and solutions are being studied cautiously to finally come up with the most effective acne treatment. But the question is, which among these medications is or are really effective acne treatments?

Here’s a rundown of the various acne treatments that claim to be successful in dealing with the troubles of acne according to the type or severity of acne:

Mild or juvenile acne. This type of acne, also known as teenage spots, may be treated with over-the-counter (OTC) topical medicines available in drugstores. They are considered to be easiest to treat. Some prescription topical medicines are also effective acne treatments. They include antibiotics, benzoyl peroxide, adapalene and tretinoin. These acne treatments help stunt the growth of bacteria and reduce inflammation. Depending on the skin type of the person, a doctor will prescribe the appropriate effective acne treatment. For instance, if one is with an oily skin, creams and lotions will not be advised since they are oil-based medications. Gels and solutions will suit more the oily skin since they are usually alcohol-based and tend to dry the skin. These medications are often subject to testing first before one could really consider them as effective acne treatments for their skin problem. As a case-by-case basis, side effects from topical medicines may surface. These side effects may include rashes, stinging, redness, burning, scaling and discoloration.

Moderate to severe acne. Those with oily skin and used to have mild acne (often in their late teens or early twenties) may worsen into a moderate condition of acne. Moderate severity is often characterized with the presence of more whiteheads and redness on the affected spots due to the vessels rupture. Severe acne is when acne has already reached the entire face, back and neck of the person. Usually severe acne conditions translate to bigger spots. This kind of acne is often treated with oral antibiotics. Oral means taking them by mouth. These effective acne treatments work by curbing the reproduction of bacteria and reducing inflammation. With dealing with moderate to severe acne conditions, a combination of prescription topical medications and oral acne medications may be combined. Some topical medications like sulphur drug preparations are considered extremely effective acne treatments. Sulphur has a peeling effect on the skin, thus loosens it and dislodges the blackheads from the pores. Sulphur, as an effective acne treatment, has no known major side effects. But still, it is always advised to test any medication before applying or taking them. Samples of effective acne treatments in the form of oral antibiotics are tetracycline, minocycline, isotretinoin, doxicycline and erythromycin. Most of these effective acne treatments taken orally are hazardous to a pregnant woman’s and her child’s health. Only erythromycin is reported to be safe to use for those who are either expecting a baby or breastfeeding.

Eating Right to Achieve Beautiful Skin

When a person suffers from acne outbreaks, they are often confused and bewildered at what to do. Some questions they ask themselves may be; How did this happen? What can I do to get back to normal as quickly as possible? With so many products and homemade cures available, how do I know which one is the best for me? After all, we all have different skin types and genetics. So how am I going to get my hands on the right thing for myself? The answer may be found on a medicated pad, such as Oxy-10, a facial cream, such as ProActive solution, a bottle of prescription pills, or it could be as easy as making a few lifestyle changes that lead to better health and an improved complexion as well. It seems that sometimes no matter what we do there is always another break out right around the corner, but with a few simple changes you can better prevent and control your blemishes, or at least keep them to a minimal.

The proper amount of vitamins, minerals, and fiber in your diet are known to be agents in good skin health. So be sure to eat foods that contain these important ingredients. Unfortunately, that’s not a big cheeseburger from your local fast food chain. These ingredients are found in fruits, vegetables, and other low-fat, highly nutritional foods. A deficiency of vitamins is a known agent in causing acne outbreaks. This can lead to the exposure of bacteria that causes outbreaks.

Some people get acne outbreaks from an excess of stress. The vitamin B complex acts as a stress reliever. Because of the many types of B vitamin, an individual seeking a vitamin regiment to help fight off acne should consult a dermatologist before starting. A dermatologist can be very helpful in helping acne sufferers find the right solution to help. A healthy diet with a combination of topical solutions such as ProActive solution or Neutrogena is often one of the most effective ways to minimize acne outbreaks.

Vitamin C is arguably the most important nutrient for the body’s healthy function and maintained skin appearance. It is an essential ingredient in over 300 metabolic functions within the body. In addition, it is essential in preventing a number of illnesses and helps the body heal and repair itself more rapidly. It improves the immune system and enhances the endocrine system; which means Vitamin C has a direct link to how your skin and face look.

So take a look at your diet. If you drink carbonated, highly sugared soft drinks, switch over to plenty of juices and lots of water. Water is a natural flushing agent that purges your bodily systems and helps maintain clear skin. The juices will not only keep you away from the processed sugar found in candies and sodas, but it will also give your body many of the essential vitamins needed to fight acne causing agents. The same goes for food. Rather than trying to get enough vitamins through a multi-vitamin pill, eat plenty of fruits and vegetables not only to provide your body with essential nutrients but also to cut down on foods that will hurt your efforts of acne prevention. Apples and blueberries are said to be particularly effective in the prevention of new acne outbreaks.

Remember, your body is a machine that works for you. With a little effort and care, you can function and look better in your life. Good nutrition is one of the fundamental steps in making your beautiful skin a reality.

Fight Acne Naturally

Acne is commonly a skin condition that is seen as whiteheads, blackheads, pustules or infected and inflamed nodules. Acne often is found on a persons face, chest, neck, and back. While many acne types usually affect the teenagers, various acne conditions are not restricted to a particular age group; even adults in their late 20s or even well into their 40s – have the possibility to also suffer from acne.

Eventhough acne is not life threatening, it can cause unwanted permanent scarring and cause emotional distress if it is not treated properly. People with Acne problems often tend to be more self-conscious about their appearances when having outbreaks or blemishes.

Instead of having you dig deeper into your pocket for various types of expensive Acne Treatment remedies, you should attempt to fight acne naturally by avoiding your pores to get clogged. For many people with acne outbreaks, it is about avoiding the common acne outbreak. Just by following some of the simply steps listed below, people that often have outbreaks can dramatically decrease their chance of another acne outbreaks:

– By not touching your face with your hands, including popping the zits.
– By washing your skin with a mild soap, acne cleanser such as Proactiv Solutions
– By avoiding stressful situations
– By allowing your skin to breath; wear loose clothing

Don’t Believe These Acne Myths

There are many allegations as to the causes of acne. As technology and science help us find the actual roots, we are able to dispel many of the misconceptions surrounding acne. However, the myths still persist. Here are some more commonly known myths:

Myth: Acne is caused by poor hygiene.
Lack of cleanliness is not the reason for acne. There are skin infections associated with acne due to a mixture of sebum and dead cells that lie beneath the surface of the skin. Although gentle cleansing of the skin with soap and water once or twice a day will assist in keeping skin as healthy as possible, it is ineffective in clearing away the skin infections. Take care not to scrub too hard as this could further aggravate acne.

Myth: Grease and Chocolate will cause acne.
People have believed for years that eating chocolate will cause pimples. There is no scientific proof for this – studies have shown no direct relationship between consuming chocolate and acne breakouts. This is also true of other foods like potato chips and French fries. Eating too much of these types of food is, however, unhealthy, and advisable to eat in moderation.

Note: Although chocolate and greasy foods do not cause acne, some foods DO seem to exacerbate it. Milk and foods high in iodine (as found in seafood) seem to aggravate acne.

Myth: Sex is directly linked to acne.
Everything from masturbation to celibacy has been blamed for acne. This again is false. Although there is a link between hormone levels and sexual activity, it is unclear what the link between sex and levels of sebum (causing acne.) Emotions and stress also affect hormone levels.

Myth: You will grow out of acne.
Acne may last a matter of weeks or as long as several years. There is no need to try to live with it when there are so many over-the-counter treatments available to anyone suffering from the discomfort and embarrassment of acne. Dermatologists are also easily accessible for more severe cases.

Myth: Acne only affects teenagers.
Although 85% of adolescents experience acne, adults are susceptible to suffering from acne when they are in their 30s or 40s.

Myth: Acne is only a superficial condition.
Due to the severity of physical disfigurement acne leads to psychological stress. There are strong links to depression, social withdrawal and low self-esteem.

Myth: Popping/Squeezing pimples will get rid of them faster.
This may actually aggravate acne by spreading the bacteria which is causing it! Squeezing pimples can also lead to permanent scarring.

Myth: Sun exposure will help clear up acne.
Although short-term effects of the sun seem to dry out excess oils, the skin quickly adapts to sun exposure. This eliminates long-term benefits from sun exposure and increases the potential for skin damage and cancer.

Myth: Wearing makeup causes acne.
Healthy skin is the best way to avoid acne. Because some makeups can clog pores, acne can in fact result. Cosmetics have flooded the market with labels indicating they are noncomedogenic or nonacnegenic, which means they will not cause acne. These brands of makeup are safe to use. Some actually include ingredients that help treat acne.

Myth: Using more acne medication will treat the condition quicker.
Excess use of ointments may actually irritate the skin, worsening the condition. Oral medications can be dangerous to your overall health. Always use medications as directed.

Does The Proactive Acne Solution Really Work

Do you struggle daily with zits? Maybe you’ve tried it all and nothing seems to work right. This can be a horrible affliction to grapple with. Not only does it squelch your self-esteem, but it can leave permanent damage.

No one wants to deal with the aftermath of severe acne at age 30. One problem is that so many acne sufferers tackle this burden in the wrong manner.

There are ways to get rid of acne. There are ways to obliterate this irksome dilemma once and for all. Technology is one your side, folks. With the various new-age break-throughs regarding skin disorders, you can achieve that complexion you’ve always dreamt of.

Have you ever heard of proactive acne solution? This is one treatment system that has proven wonderful for acne sufferers around the globe.

I’m sure by now that you’ve seen the infomercials for proactive acne solution. This innovative blemish fighting system has proven its amazing results to many. Even celebrities are getting on board to advertise and promote this stuff.

Stars like Britney Spears, Jessica Simpson and P Diddy are paying homage to its benefits. All three celebrities suffered from routine bouts with blemishes, but saw fast results with proactive acne solution.

They continue to use the skin care system today in order to prevent new breakouts from forming. Too many individuals spend their time browsing through local drug stores for that new acne cleanser or cream.

Well, if you’ve exhausted all the routine over-the-counter products, then maybe it’s time to give proactive acne solution a shot. There’s really nothing to lose. The system even comes with a money-back guarantee. Now that’s confidence.

If you’ve strolled through your local shopping mall lately, then you’ve most likely encountered proactive acne solution. There are booths set up around the country, promoting and selling this new wonder product.

Folks of all ages are simply sick and tired of battling pimples. Fortunately these days there are products such as proactive acne solution that really work.

You basically use this skin care system day and night to battle your current zits and prevent new breakouts from arising. So stop wasting your time with those on-the-spot creams and gels that don’t work.

Get online today and read about proactive acne solution. You can even make a purchase via the Internet.

Does Acne Pamper Your Look

Soon when a girl attains its teen age, she becomes more cautious about her look. And then raises a problem of acne’s and related problems. Acne problem varies with person and increases in different stages. Whiteheads and blackheads are the preliminary stage of acne formation. A very tiny protuberance figures out by consuming excess of the body oil and abrupt cells of the skin. These form many layer collectively, and a bung is shaped out to allow constipation of hair follicle. The expelled serum is entrapped in the stoma formed. The whiteheads and blackheads are mostly some what similar, but differ only in the mode of clogging of the skin stoma. When we consider blackheads the skin stoma is partly choked while whiteheads are completely choked off. In the case of whiteheads, the bung formed lies embedded beneath the layer of the skin. This condition prevents the bung to come in contact with the outer environment, which ultimately prevents oxidation and blackening.

Study revealed that hormonal changes give rise to this type of problem. “Androgen” the male hormone found in the body is the main causative agent that promotes the sebaceous glands to expel out more extra sebum. The expelled sebum than blends with the abrupt skin cells and a hard head structure blocking the stoma of the skin is formed. Dermatologist is of the view that whiteheads do not favor the dry skin. They believe that the sebum becomes hard due to the dry skin, and choke the skin stoma. The blackheads are also formed due to the same reason. Hence the exact reason behind it is yet not clear.

Most probably people get rid of comedones by adopting various means like using needles or blackheads remover etc. The simple means of removing them is by pressing the bulk with bare hands. The specialist advice to ovoid scratching with nails as it may cause asceticism. Whiteheads are very difficult to remove but can be possible by the consulting the specialist. To avoid this problem it is important to take special preventions, and keep away from the cause of it. Many preventive measures can be adopted such as regular cleansing, keep on washing the face at least twice a day. Many scrubbers are available to remove the abrupt skin. Avoid rough scrubbing which may harm the skin. Mostly prefer natural scrubbers using fruit peels and many remedial natural face packs of Azadirachta indica, Ocimum tenuiflorum and herbicides.

Hence to get better and good results one should adopt natural remedial means of cure.

Do you have Rosacea

If you suffer from a red complexion, flushing or blushing, a red nose and cheeks and dry, flaky skin with pimples, you probably suffer from the chronic skin condition rosacea. Formerly known as acne rosacea, rosacea is more common in women than men, although men often have more severe symptoms. Most people who have rosacea are fair-skinned, fair-haired and blue-eyed, although it is also seen more rarely in dark-skinned people. The disease affects at least 14 million people in the United States of America, typically between 20 and 50 years of age.

The main symptoms of the skin condition are:

– a burning or tingling sensation
– a persistant redness after blushing or flushing
– pimples, papules or pustules on the face
– tiny visible blood vessels under the skin
– thickening of skin, especially around the nose area
– gritty, uncomfortable eyes (ocular rosacea)

The true cause of rosacea is not really known but certain factors are known to aggravate the condition. Sufferers should avoid exposure to extreme temperatures and weather, such as the sun, the cold and wind. Sun avoidance is particularly important, and sun screens, hats and parasols are useful ways to avoid sun-related flare-ups. Alcohol and hot drinks and food are also known to excacerbate rosacea, as is exercising in hot temperatures and hot showers, baths, steam rooms and saunas. Loofahs, rough towels, exfoliators, astringents and cosmetics with perfumes and many additives should also be avoided. Gentle perfume-free cover-up cosmetics can help disguise a flare-up and reduce the psychological and social effects of rosacea.

Rosacea is a condition that is controlled rather than cured and many people find that keeping a diary helps them to pin-point their own triggers. Keeping cool, drinking water to stay hydrated and using natural gentle skin care products go a long way to controlling this chronic condition.

You should, of course, consult your dermatologist for advice about prescription creams and other procedures that may be available to relieve the symptoms of rosacea. Generally, rosacea treatment is aimed at the control of redness, inflammation and skin eruptions, and this treatment is necessary to prevent permanent damage to the skin.

If he decides that you do have rosacea, a dermatologist will often prescribe a combination of oral antibiotics and the use of antibiotic gel as initial treatment. The oral antibiotics will reduce the redness and reduce the pustules, then the topical gel may help to keep the symptoms under control. The dermatologist will also be able to help a patient look at lifestyle factors to help control the rosacea in the future.

Steroids are also often prescribed for rosacea because they appear to relieve the symptoms quickly, but sufferers should be aware that topical steroids are thought to make the symptoms worse longterm. The steroids dilate the blood vessels in the face and thin the skin and dermis by breaking down elastin and collagen in the skin’s structure. Topical steroids have actually been thought to cause rosacea in the first place in some instances.

Do Not Let The Galaxy Of Acne Products In The Market To Stun You

Remember, every standard acne product has a handout, explaining the salient features of the product, its ingredients and above all, a warning. No acne product is meant to cause intentional harm to anyone.

Every product in the market claims a set standard of excellence. When the market is flooded with many such products, the buyer, rather the actual person undergoing the suffering of acne, has a double responsibility. Firstly, to buy the correct product and secondly, to apply it as per the directions.

If the rules regarding the later are not adhered to properly, please note that the manufacturer has carefully worded many escape clauses for his own legal and financial safety. For, he has to protect himself first. Your protection from acne, is his secondary priority, strictly speaking. This is, however, not to doubt his intentions.

Individual constitution is a new concept for the modern mind, and acne is no exception,
The exact cause and the possible solution, will have to be well thought off by an individual, after studying the subject acne. No doubt, medication is an important part of the healing process, but most of the mistakes are committed here, if you follow them without knowing the root cause of acne. For example, wearing tight clothes is known to cause body acne by trapping sweat. In such conditions, if you take antibiotics, the result is bound to be unfavorable. It may even lead to side-effects.

The galaxy of acne products in the market may stun you. Skin exfoliation products, soaps, lotions, gels, creams and much more are readily available. Supplementation is a tricky business and is best done with professional help. It should never be considered a substitute for sound diet, environmental awareness and stress management.

Do not consider every type of acne a disease as such. It may just be a temporary condition of the skin, an irritation with a definite, fixed cycle. Let it come and go and die its natural death. Do not fear or interfere in its working.

The totality of the circumstances contributing to acne, are not known and will perhaps never be known. The environmental conditions vary and the same individual may react differently in different seasons. So it is always advisable to gain a dermatologist’s advice well before trying on to any of the acne products.

Do I Need to Stop My Acne Skin Care Regimen During Pregnancy

Pregnancy usually brings along with it a host of medical concerns which prompt behavioral and lifestyle changes. It is common knowledge that pregnant women should avoid smoking and drinking, not to mention some excessively physical activities. But there are also a host of other medicines and procedures which should be avoided during pregnancy. So, the question is, how does pregnancy affect acne skin care regimens?

Many acne medicines are quite explicit about the fact that you should not use them during pregnancy. Roaccutane and Accutane are certainly among these. For those of us that have used the products, the medicine packaging picturing a pregnant woman with an ‘X’ over her sent a strong message that they should not be used if you are, or might become pregnant. There are other medicines, such as Tetracycline tablets and topical retinoids such as Tretinoin and Adapalene which can have detrimental effects on the bones and teeth of developing fetuses. While these medicines should clearly be avoided because of the detrimental effects they have on your baby, there are other medicines which should potentially be stopped simply because they are no longer appropriate when pregnant.

Pregnancy is often associated with a period of drier than normal skin. As a result, a number of acne medicines which are designed specifically to dry out the skin, namely benzoyl peroxide cream or gel may no longer be appropriate.

But does this mean that there are no acne skin care regimens that can be followed? Absolutely not. There are in fact a number of milder and often natural solutions which can contribute to healthier acne free skin which either have no, or even positive effects on your child. To replace harsh creams or gels designed to dry out the skin, an excellent alternative is tea tree oil. A milder facial wash can also provide the cleansing effect of an acne wash without over-drying your skin, which is naturally drier due to pregnancy. But because you may be giving up some of the acne fighting power by switching over to a milder wash, it is a good idea to supplement your acne fighting regimen with some natural clay masks such as Kaolin and Bentonite which will absorb oil and clear blocked pores naturally.

The second avenue through which pregnant women can clear up their skin while positively affecting the health of the child, is through their diet. By consuming higher quantities of raw vegetables, whose antioxidant properties serve to take free radicals (also referred to as bacteria) out of your system, you can cut down on the amount of bacteria released through your pores. In addition, by cutting back on the quantity of sugars and refined carbohydrates that you eat, you will naturally cut down on the amount of sebum or oil that your body produces. This will keep your pores clearer and allow the bacteria which passes through your pores to come out cleanly and without causing infection and acne. These approaches, in addition to providing you with clearer skin, are a safe and healthy alternative to acne fighting while simultaneously improving the health of your child.

Do Cosmetics Causes Acne

For decades, dermatologists and cosmetologists alike have debated the effects of cosmetics on the skin, particularly in acne sufferers. Make-up has often been branded an “acne Catch-22” — you want something to cover the redness, but you’re told it may actually be causing your acne. Fortunately, this is only partly true. To understand how to approach the make-up issue, we should start with a discussion of “cosmetic acne.”

Cosmetic Acne & Skin Care – A mild-mannered cousin. Acne cosmetica, or acne that is caused by cosmetics, is a mild and fairly common form of acne. Because it is triggered by topical products rather than the complex process that creates true acne, it can strike anyone — even people who are not physiologically prone to the condition. Characterized by small, rashy pink bumps on the cheeks, chin and forehead, it typically develops over the course of a few weeks or months and may persist indefinitely. If you’ve recently started using a new skincare product and you’re experiencing any of the symptoms listed above, discontinue use of the new product for a few days and see if your breakout subsides.

NOTE: While studies have shown that make-up does not cause true acne, it can exacerbate the condition. So it’s helpful to be aware of common topical triggers, no matter what kind of acne you have.

Cosmetic Acne & Skin Care – The culprit: Comedogenics. Ever wonder where your make-up goes over the course of the day? Some of it is rubbed off by contact with your hands and your clothing, and some of it migrates across your skin, settling into your pores — much like rainwater collects wherever there are small holes in the ground. Some make-ups include ingredients that are considered comedogenic, or substances that are known to clog pores. Although these cosmetics may not cause true plugging of the follicle, certain ingredients may induce follicular irritation. The result? The small, persistent bumps known as “cosmetic acne.”

Do Cosmetics Causes Acne?

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Cosmetic Acne & Skin Care – Seven rules for a clean beauty routine. With so many products making so many claims, it’s easy to be confused by clever marketing. Fortunately, just a bit of education can get you on the path to choosing the proper cosmetics and using them wisely. Here are seven good rules to follow for a healthy make-up regimen:

1. Avoid penetrating oils. Contrary to popular belief, not all oils are comedogenic. Petroleum products, mineral oil and sunflower oil do not penetrate into the pore. Most cosmetic oils, however, can aggravate acne — so it’s best to avoid them. One of the most common acne triggers in skin products, especially lotions and sunscreens, is lanolin, a fatty acid extracted from sheep’s wool. Isopropyl Myristate, which promotes smooth, even application in many foundations, is such an aggressive penetrator that it’s the main ingredient in most rust-removers! In general, products labeled “oil-free” and «non-comedogenic» are less likely to clog your pores and trigger breakouts.

2. Steer clear of sweet smells. Fragrance is a major cause of allergic and irritant reactions on the face. Even products that claim to be «unscented» may include fragrances added to mask the smell of other ingredients. It’s best to stick with products labeled as “fragrance-free” or “hypo-allergenic.” Of course, reactions to fragrance differ dramatically, and you may find certain perfumes that don’t affect your skin. The most common offenders are fragrances in the ambrette, bergamot, cinnamate and musk families. If the derivatives of your favorite face cream or foundation’s scent are not easily determined from the product label, try a patch test on the skin behind your ear. If no irritation appears after three days of repeated application, you may continue usage on a larger area.

3. Be smart about shadow and blush. The stuff that puts the sparkle in your eye shadow, face powder and blush is usually mica, a common mineral. The jagged, flaky shape of mica particles can cause irritation and/or clogging in the follicle, so it’s best to use products without too much shimmer. Likewise, many of the red dyes used to put a bloom in your cheeks are coal tar derivatives; not surprisingly, these substances are comedogenic, too. Check the labels for blushes that use carmine, which has been a natural, healthy cosmetic colorant since the time of the Aztecs. Also, cream blushes are more likely to have comedogenic ingredients, so stick to powder or gel blushes.

4. Get wise to eye creams. Because of the delicacy of the skin around the eyes, creams created for this area are often thicker and greasier than regular facial moisturizers. Heavy eye creams and oily eye make-up removers can promote milia, tiny white cysts under the eyes. These kinds of products can also migrate to neighboring areas, creating acne on the cheeks, temples and forehead.

5. Style your hair with care. Most hair products are full of the ingredients we’d like to keep away from our skin: alcohol, adhesives and oils. So if you’re prone to acne, use care when styling your hair — cover your skin when you spray, and try to keep oils, mousses, gels and pomades away from the skin at the hairline. And don’t use hair products when you exercise; perspiration from your scalp can carry styling products onto your skin, contributing to new breakouts.

6. Wash after exercising. While we know that sweat doesn’t cause acne, it can promote it in those who are prone — and make-up can make matters worse. Even non-comedogenic products can cause clogging or irritation in the presence of heavy perspiration. As a rule, it’s best to wash immediately after exercising with a medicated exfoliating cleanser.

7. Use the right lip lube. If you have problems with pimples around the mouth area, you might want to reconsider the products you use on your lips. Lipsticks and glosses are greasy by nature, with high concentrations of petroleum, wax and other comedogenic substances. The greater the shine, the greater the potential for pore-clogging — so if you’re breaking out, try going for a matte finish rather than a high gloss.

In general, it’s fine to doll up! Just choose your cosmetics carefully — look for products that are oil-free and non-comedogenic. Read labels carefully to avoid common topical triggers. And of course, use your common sense; if a product that looks okay on the label is irritating your skin, discontinue usage right away.

Determining what really causes Acne

Having acne can be an agonizing experience for any teenage, especially for adults who never seemed to got out of the phase. Tons of acne medications get sold every year, this is a clear indication that people with acne are determined to get rid of them, at all cost.

Some of these acne medications though simply cover up acne and do not really treat them. Getting rid of acne should be from its roots, their cause.

Acne is the result of abundant amount of toxics in the body. These toxics can be an amassing of fat not properly disposed off, or accumulation of hormones the body produces. When the kidney, liver and the bowels could not dispose all of these toxins, they need to dispel them some other way. The body releases them either through the lungs or through the skin.

This is when a breakout of acne can occur. The toxins released through your skin are the dirt and oil that causes the acne to swell up and get the pores infected.

That is why most dermatologists recommend having the face and neck scrubbed regularly with soap and water to rid of these toxins. With a well-cleansed face, you eliminate the chances for the pores to be infected. Untreated acne can cause ugly scarring in the affected area that could be permanent.

This blemish to the face could be quite hard to remove. Therefore, to prevent acne from happening you need to clean your face regularly as well as cut down on foods that are full of fats and hard to digest foods. Also cleanse your bowels and your waste system so that you won’t have a build-up of toxins in your body.

Dermabrasion for Skin Rejuvenation

If you are searching for solutions for your acne scars for a long time, dermabrasion is the perfect answer for removing your acne scars. Dermabrasion is an ablative surgery procedure, which physically abrades the epidermis and dermis of your skin in a controlled fashion using a fine wire brush or a diamond fraise.

Besides using the dermabrasion technique for your scars you can also go for it for removing your facial rhytids and for treating various other skin conditions troubling you. The ablation in a dermabrasion rejuvenates the skin by stimulating the production of new layers of skin.

As a surgery procedure dernabrasion needs a lot of care before and after. Preparing for dermabrasion surgery is as important as the actual surgery itself.

Preparing the skin before the procedure

Preparation for dermabrasion includes the application of ointments such as Retin-A to be applied to the area every night before going to bed.
In case you are prone to cold sores, the doctor may prescribe you a course of antiviral pills a few days before the dermabrasion surgery. You should not be taking Accutane for the past eighteen months, if you have so you will not be considered for the procedure. Similarly, dermabrasion cannot be performed for a minimum of 6 months, preferably up to 1 year, after taking oral isotretinoin. Its use needs to be stopped well before the surgery.

You need to tell your cosmetic surgeon about any herbal supplements that you may be taking as some of these supplements may interfere with anesthesia and cause problems during the surgery because of their blood thinning properties.
Even some over-the-counter vitamins can be hazardous to you, for example vitamin E, which reduces your body’s ability to clot blood. Similarly, you may have to discontinue the use of anti-depressants.

Just before the dermabrasion is performed for acne scars under anesthesia, your skin will be pretreated with an ice pack for 20 to 30 minutes and sprayed with the a liquid refrigerant. Most dermabrasion procedures for scar treatment are performed using local anesthesia with or without the sedative. Your cosmetic surgeon may also give you some medication.
As great care needs to be taken for dermabrasion before and after, a great degree of care is also needed while moving the diamond fraises or wire brushes and controlling the depth of the ablation.

Care after dermabrasion

Wrapping your skin with the bandage after the dermabrasion is an absolute priority. The dressing may need to be changed and sterile bandages and tape should be used every time. Your skin may start re-epithelializing after 5–7 days of proper post-operative dressings and care. Some residual erythema for up to 4 weeks is common which gradually subsides.

Risk and complication after the surgery can be avoided completely if you comply with pre- and post-operative medicines and meticulous wound care. A scab or crust forms over the treated area as it begins to heal. You face may itch as new skin starts to grow from beneath.

Dealing With The After-Effects Of Acne

Acne, unlike your typical infection, is not something that’s over and done with if you manage to make it go away. You still have to deal with the after-effects left behind by the problem. Acne scarring is one of the most common problems encountered during the post-infection stage. If not treated properly, acne can leave physical marks. Acne scarring, with the social stigma that it tends to generate, may end up becoming an even bigger problem than the acne that caused it. No wonder, some people actually see depression as one of the more serious effects of this kind of skin problem.

Treating the acne problem properly at the early stages of infection is critical to prevent the formation of scars. There is a wide array of things you may do to lower the chances of scar formation. The first and most important step is to control the skin infection. Other important things to remember in controlling acne include the following:

l Treat the acne infection as early as possible. This reduces the chances of scars forming later on.
l Avoid using more than one treatment unless advised by a doctor. Multiple treatments may only cause drug interaction side effects.
l If your acne is creating cysts, avoid attempting to prick or tamper with them in any way. Doing so may increase your chances of the cyst forming a scar later on.
l Whenever possible, prevent inflammation. Statistically speaking, areas that have experienced inflammation during an acne outbreak tend to form scars afterwards.

If you develop acne scars, you would be better off avoiding any sort of treatment you found over the Internet, regardless of what it claims to be. Internet remedies are ill-advised measures, as all actual medications for acne scarring require a doctor’s prescription and may only be obtained through the office of a medical professional. The “Internet remedies” simply don’t work, even if they could theoretically relieve the acne that caused the scars, so you may find it a better idea to consult a dermatologist.

There are more than a few ways to fix acne scarring, if you find the need for it. The likelihood that your dermatologist will suggest one from among the following forms of surgery will vary depending on how deep your acne scars run and how severe the problem actually is.

Dermabrasion, which involves the use of machinery with diamond-tipped blades to cut away the scarred skin, is one such option. If you only have shallow scarring left over from your acne, then your doctor might suggest this type of scar-removal surgery. It removes the scar tissue to let the skin replace the removed sections naturally, leaving you with a new layer of skin. Naturally, creams and treatments are used to help in the healing process.

Another option is through the use of pinpoint medical lasers, albeit this is an option that is not suggested very often. Laser surgery works on the same general concept as dermabrasion, though you would be put under a high-powered laser rather than a set of diamond-bladed tools. This method is seen to be more accurate than using the aforementioned technique, and may sometimes be recommended for slightly deeper acne scars. However, this is undertaken and suggested only by the people with experience in this type of surgery, as the slightest mishandling can cause damage that’s not just skin-deep.

If the state of your scarring is not that severe or pronounced, a dermatologist can offer chemical treatments rather than surgery. These treatments operate on the same idea as the two above treatments, but work on an entirely different level. This might involve the use of acids in removing the layer of skin that has the scars, allowing the body to naturally repair the damaged skin. As with both of the above methods, there are some additional products given to help the skin heal after the treatment. Also, excessive or improper use of these treatments can cause side effects that are disastrous on the skin.

It is also important to be aware that discoloration usually occurs when there is an inflammation in the skin. These discolored spots should not be immediately considered as acne scars. In some cases, they discoloration occurs due to the increase of blood flow to that part of the skin. For that reason, it is always best to consult a skin care professional to help determine whether some areas are just discolored or if they are actual acne scars. Being well-informed will help keep your skin safe. Moreover, having a proper diagnosis will help you make a decision on whether your next skin care treatment will involved surgery or not.

Dairy Products And Acne

Did you know that your diet could cause acne, or even worsen it?

Well, check out this latest research done at the American Academy of Dermatology in Harvard.

The facts are that despite what was commonly thought of chocolate and greasy food would cause acne, this is long proven wrong. Now the basic stable data here is that what cause acne to manifest itself are during hormonal fluctuations and genetics. Therefore the times prone to experience this uncomfortable condition is during puberty, pregnancy and menopause.

But the latest research point to one or two exceptions involving dairy products. The researches analyzed about 50,000 peoples habits and diets specially what they ate during high school. Those who habitually drank two-three cups of milk a day where 22% prone to have severe acne compared to those who only drank one cup a week or less.

Skim milk had the greatest effect. Cream cheese and cottage cheese were also related to outbreaks, while chocolate and grease were not. Basically researchers were certain to prove the effect of hormones on milk, other studies had come out with similar findings and share this discovery.

You also have to know that food that contain iodides, like shellfish and soy sauce, might also exacerbate acne. Iodides are thought to play a role in the inflammation, this confirmed by Dr Diane S. Berson, an assistant professor of dermatology at Weill Medical College of Cornell University.

So, the bottom line is that certain foods particularly dairy products, has proven to generate acne and some times, severe condition of acne.

But finally, there’s something you can do to end the frustration and suffering brought on by acne. With just a few simple daily steps, you can heal the pimples you have today and help stop new ones from forming tomorrow. Whether you’re a man or a woman, 15 or 50…you can have the clear, blemish-free skin you’ve always wanted.

If you’re suffering with mild to moderate acne, I know how you feel – both of us have lived with it at different times in our lives. So I wanted to create a website to help you understand the causes of the condition, and learn what you can do to fight it. In this site, I have taken the time to refute some of the most common misunderstandings about acne and bring you the latest scientific information. I would also like to introduce you to a revolution in acne skin care – Proactiv® Solution.

This unique, easy-to-use, 3-step daily maintenance system is designed to attack acne at its source – so you can get the clear, beautiful skin you’ve always wanted

Like me, millions of people have discovered Proactiv Solution and changed their lives for the better. Many of these people say the same thing: Proactiv Solution really works. So why don’t you take a look at this product for yourself. After all, if you are a dairy product lover and want to continue with it (and who doesn’t?) you must be prepared to deal with acne the right way. So there you go, now you know what are the diets that causes acne and what are the products that helps you handle it. Enjoy it!

Al Castillo

Cystic Acne Treatment

Cystic acne break-outs can be painful and lead to deep scarring. Some dermatologists consider it to be the most severe kind because topical medications do not get to the root of the problem. It heals extremely slowly because it is so deep that the infection is trapped under the skin. Cystic acne treatment is usually limited to oral medication so all cases should be taken to a dermatologist.

Isotretinoin is the most common, and most potent drug prescribed for cystic acne treatment. It is a man-made form of retinoid (Vitamin A) that is taken in pill form. It is the only prescription that treats excess oil production, clogged skin pores, and inflammation. This pill is taken up to 20 weeks and commonly does not require more than one course of therapy to cure. The most serious side-effect to taking this medication is the possibility of birth defects to a developing fetus. For this reason, women are required to not be pregnant or get pregnant at any time during this treatment. Regular check-ups are scheduled for each patient using this medication to monitor any additional side effects.

Common side effects of using isotretinoin as a cystic acne treatment include: muscle aches, uncomfortable drying of the lips and eyes, depression, and chest pain. Some of these side effects can cause serious health problems in the future. Always contact your doctor if you notice any of these side effects.

Oral contraceptives are used as cystic acne treatment in females. It suppresses overactive sebaceous (oil producing) glands, and is safe to be used long-term. In addition to an oral contraceptive, the doctor may prescribe a synthetic steroid to inhibit other hormones that stimulate the sebaceous glands.

If oral cystic acne treatment does not work, they may require drainage. This is considered acne surgery and should only be performed by a professional, in a sterile environment. If you attempt to squeeze or pick them yourself, the infection may last much longer than it would have. You may cause the infection to worsen and increase the inflammation and swelling.

For dramatically inflamed cysts, a dermatologist may decide to administer an injection with a highly-diluted corticosteroid to bring down the inflammation and increase the speed of healing. It is a generally painless procedure. It usually clears the cyst within a week and prevents rupturing and scarring. However, this is not the first choice of cystic acne treatment by most dermatologist because it only treats current acne.

In addition to the medications your dermatologist prescribes to you, be responsible for the health of your skin. Wash your face at least once a day, especially following exercise or other sweat-inducing activity. Do not wash your skin too often or it could result in drying out. Bursting of cystic acne will most likely result in scars, so avoid this at all costs. Make sure your hands and fingers stay away from your face. Your hands pick up dirt and germs with everything you touch and this coming in contact with your face can increase the chance of infection.

Cystic Acne Remedies

Cystic acne can be called as a form of abscess which is shaped when oil ducts get clogged and infected. Generally, cystic acne is commonly seen in the teenage years and mainly affects on the face. Cystic acne which affects in the deeper skin tissue can result in more superficial inflammation when compared with ordinary acne. Cystic acne breakouts are painful and can result in deep scarring. Most dermatologists consider cystic acne as the most severe of its kind.

Cystic acne takes much time to heal as the infection is affected deep under one’s skin. In most cases the treatment for cystic acne is limited to oral medication and hence it is recommended that all cases need to be taken to a dermatologist. But there are several preventive measures and remedies which can be taken against cystic acne. For those looking for holistic remedies for cystic acne can consult an alternative medicine practitioner, while other more common procedures can easily be performed in the convenience of one’s home with no medical supervision.

Isotretinion is one of the most commonly prescribed drugs for cystic acne treatment. The drug taken in pill form helps to treat inflammation, clogged skin pores, and excess oil production.

For females suffering from cystic acne oral contraceptives are used as a cystic acne remedy. This is considered as a safe cystic acne remedy and helps to suppress overactive sebaceous glands (oil producing). Besides an oral contraceptive, physicians also recommend a synthetic steroid to slow down other hormones which boosts the sebaceous glands.

Whatever cystic acne treatment your physician may prescribe, acne patients are required to be take special care of their health, and of course their skin. Acne patients are advised to cleanse their face daily at least two times a day. Keep in mind that bursting of cystic acne can result in producing scars. Hence keep your hands and fingers away from your face. Consulting a dermatologist is recommended as he/she can help you to choose the best cystic acne remedy which allows you to get rid of cystic acne.

Cystic Acne

Cystic acne is a more advanced case of a pimple. Millions of people around the world have some kind of acne or another, but cystic acne is one of the more severe types out there. It develops from a regular pimple, also known as a pustule, by rooting itself deeper within the skin and forming a painful sore known as a cyst. These cysts can vary in size and color from small and pink to large and a dark purple. In severe cases, multiple cysts in the facial area and on the body can be extremely painful.

While almost everyone is exposed to some kind of acne at some point in his or her life, cystic acne seems to be largely hereditary. If one of your parents had or has cystic acne, there is a higher percent chance that you will be exposed to some form of it as well. On the face may be the worst, but cystic acne can form on other parts of the body also. It commonly appears on the chest, legs, neck, shoulders, and back. These cysts can be covered by clothes, but be cautious: tight-fitting clothing can further irritate and dry out the skin, leading to more painful cysts. It is a good idea to try and wear loose fitting clothing when suffering from bodily acne.

When a person is going through a cycle of cystic acne, they can often be desperate for a fast cure. One of the known medications found to be effective for severe cystic acne is Isotretinoin. It is found in the prescription drug Accutane and is a concentrated form of Vitamin A. While it is proven to be effective in severe cases of acne, Accutane should be used as a last resort because of its side effects. In pregnant women, it has been known to cause birth defects and even possible miscarriages. Women who are prescribed Accutane are required to also use two forms of birth control to prevent conception.

If you are a woman, you may want to consider a product that is still effective without being quite so potent. Many women have found success with deep cleaners such as Neutrogena or Proactiv solution , products that contain higher levels of benzoyl peroxide, a substance proven to be safe for pregnant women to use. Another advantage of trying other products before seeing a dermatologist is the cost, as consulting a physician can very often be pretty expensive. It may be cheaper to find out that a treatment available without a prescription worked as well as a cure that required a doctor visit.

Whatever treatment you decide is best for yourself, remember that cystic acne can be overcome. There are many treatments available and you may not find the most effective one right at first. Talking to a physician or dermatologist may be able to point you in the right direction on your way to a clearer complexion.

most hated skin afflictions

ZAP that zit! Hey, remember all those crazy commercials back in the day that told us their products would do the unheard of? Yeah, we’ve all se them! The acne remedy ads were my all-time favorites. They must have gotten so many pimple-afflicted teenagers stoked about obliterating their skin condition. Only to soon discover that the zit miracle creams were bogus. Have you ever really encountered a Clearasil or Oxy product that eliminated blemishes on contact? The best commercial was the one with the teenage boy in his bedroom. He glanced in that mirror one morning and noticed several whoppers on his face. No fear; Oxy 10 is here. You simply squeeze out a bit on your fingertip and start dropping atomic bombs on those irksome pimples. With a cool sound effect, they disappear like that. Ha, yeah right! To really fight and control acne in the real world, it takes a tad more effort and time.

I would be fairly safe saying that acne is amongst the most hated skin afflictions. It’s certainly one of the most prominent ones, if not the most. Once you hit those puberty years, all bets are off. The odds are not in your favor. Therefore you’d better be prepared for some all-out zit wars. Blame the teenage hormones! Anyway, there are effective ways to control acne. All you need is the right input. I can’t emphasize enough how important your diet is. If you consume junk food regularly, it’s time to stop. It takes a toll on the pores since it’s excreted through them. Plus, loads of fat and sugar are terrible for your health. Get started with a healthy and well-balanced diet while you’re still young. I guarantee you’ll be glad you did later down the road. You can also control acne with the right skin care system. These usually consist of a few different products. A cleanser is mandatory. Find one that gentle cleanses your skin, so that you will be less prone to an over-dried complexion. You’ll also require a topical medication of some sort. There are infinite acne remedies currently available, but that doesn’t mean they’re all good. Check into Proactive Solution or a prescription for Differin from your family doctor. These two have a great track record.

There are always little things you can do for your skin and help control acne. One of them is drink lots and lots of water; another is getting plenty of sleep. Moreover, you can even take tepid showers to avoid over-drying your skin. Every bit helps.

Common Causes of Acne

What causes acne?

Worldwide there are about 60 million people who are suffering from acne. Most people develop acne during adolescence. It is most prevalent in those aged 16 to 18 years. The exact cause of acne is unknown, but doctors believe it results from several related factors. One important factor is an increase in hormones called androgens (male sex hormones). These increase in both boys and girls during puberty and cause the sebaceous glands to enlarge and make more sebum. Hormonal changes related to pregnancy or starting or stopping birth control pills can also cause acne.

The most common reasons for acne are:
• There are higher levels of sex hormones at puberty than in younger children.
• These hormones are converted in the skin to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) which stimulates oil glands to enlarge.
• The oil glands, called sebaceous glands, produce sebum. The more sebum, the more likely it is that acne will be troublesome.
• If sebum and keratin (dead skin cells) block the skin pores, comedones can develop.
• The wall of the follicles may rupture.
• Bacteria and comedonal debris cause acne pimples or pustules (inflammatory lesions).

Aggravating factors

Some people have particularly severe acne. This may be because of:
• Genetic factors (family members have bad acne). Researchers believe that the tendency to develop acne can be inherited from parents. For example, studies have shown that many school-age boys with acne have a family history of the disorder.
• Hormonal factors (higher levels of androgenic hormones) due to:
• Polycystic ovaries (common)
• Enzyme deficiency eg sterol hydroxylase deficiency (very rare)
• Excessive corticosteroids (eg Cushing’s disease) (rare)
• Psychological stress and depression

• Environmental factors such as:
• High humidity causing swelling of the skin
• Cosmetics especially certain moisturisers, foundation and pomades (watch out for lanolin, petrolatum, vegetable oils, butyl stearate, lauryl alcohol and oleic acid)
• Petroleum oils.
• Pressure from headbands & chin straps (eg: «fiddler’s neck»).

• Pressure from sports helmets or equipment, backpacks, tight collars, or tight sports uniforms
• Stress can also cause the production of hormones, such as cortisol, which can aggravate acne. Stress brings upon different hormone levels. With hormone changes the body prompts the skins oil glands to enlarge, secreting more oil. Which causes white heads, black heads and pimples.
• Certain medications. Vitamins are good for your body, But an excess of vitamins B1, B6 and B12 can cause acne flare-ups. These vitamins are good for the skin, but avoid overuse.
• Picking and squeezing can actually send the infection deeper into the skin and can cause scarring.

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Common Acne Myths

Millions of people suffer from acne each year. In fact, acne is the leading skin disorder in America. If you have acne, you have probably heard a lot of myths and urban legends. Many of these myths are true, but many are false. Here is some insight into common acne myths.

Washing your face often will cure your acne. False. In fact, washing your face more than twice a day may damage your skin even more. Many people should only wash their face twice a day. Once in the morning and once before bed, many people who scrub their face and actually damage their skin. Be gentle to your skin, many of these products are very strong, so wash only twice a day unless your face becomes inadvertently dirty or oily.

Chocolate causes pimples. False. Many dermatologists have noted that chocolate does not cause pimples. It is not what you eat, but your hormones, bacteria and clogged pores that cause acne.

Taking birth control can control your acne. True. Many dermatologists prescribe birth control for women with severe acne. Birth control helps stabilize your hormones which can limit the amount of sebum produced. So don’t believe everything you hear. If you have more myths, contact your dermatologist to see if they are either true or false.

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Commercial Acne Treatments

There are a number of both commercial and home remedy acne treatments, which are designed to help treat acne. The most popular of home remedies is the recommendation to wash your face twice each day, with the best times to be in the morning and before you go to bed at night. Keep in mind that it is best to avoid scrubbing too hard as this may aggravate, or even result in, acne.

There are many benefits to both commercial acne treatments and home remedies. Among them, commercial or prescription acne treatments are often medically recommended. On the flip side, home remedy acne treatments are not medically tested, but they are natural, free and usually contain ingredients that are not harmful. This is not always the case with commercial or prescription acne treatments, which often carry the potential for serious side effects. In addition, they can be quite expensive.

No matter which acne treatment you use, be careful of possible irritation. The last thing that you will want is to aggravate an acne-prone area with a treatment product as this would defeat the entire purpose. The best way to begin with any cream or lotion treatment is to apply the product to a small test area of skin in order to make sure there are no incompatibilities with your skin. In addition, make sure to read any warning or cautionary product labels to make sure that you are using the contents properly. In order for acne treatment medication to work, it has to be used correctly.

If you are searching for popular over the counter acne treatments, you are likely to find a variety of choices. Among them, medicated pads for wiping over the face, lotions, face wash, etc. Prescription acne treatments are often provided to those who need a more aggressive approach at acne treatment and may include the same product categories at a higher level of medication. Home remedy acne treatments include lotions containing aloe vera, a facial mask consisting of 4 tablespoons of honey and one grated apple, an oatmeal and water paste, etc.

This article is to be used for informational purposes only. The information contained herein is not intended to be used in place of, or in conjunction with, professional medical advice regarding the use of any commercial or home remedy acne treatment. Prior to beginning any treatment regimen, the patient must consult a licensed medical doctor or dermatologist for advice and/or to determine the best course of action for his/her individual situation.

Effective Acne Treatment And Acne Products

«Oh no, is that a pimple on my face? Icky, it is so gross! Oh I cannot face anyone ever again — I look hideous!»

Many teenagers around the world probably share this sentiment as they discover with horror their first pimple on their freshly scrubbed face. As teenagers enter into puberty, they are faced with new and exciting discoveries and challenges. Puberty though is also fraught with frustrations and changes, including physical changes in their bodies that often leave the teenagers with less than desirable pimples on the face.

Acne commonly occurs during the adolescence period. It is often caused by excessive secretion of oil from the glands. The typical acne lesions that appear on the face and body are comedones, papules, pustules and pimples.

Aside from the physical scar that acne leaves on your skin, it also inflicts an emotional toll, negatively affecting teenagers’ self-esteem and confidence. For some, acne can become so severe that they shun social contact, leading to social insecurity and sometimes even depression.

With the advanced acne treatments and acne products available today, acne need no longer have such a crippling impact on the sufferers’ life. Once the outward symptom of acne first becomes apparent, that is, inflammation and lesion on the skin, it is important that you treat it right away so as to slow down or stop further inflammation.

It is a good idea to pay the dermatologist a visit and to have the doctor recommend the best acne treatment for you. The treatment recommended will vary on skin type and also your age.

Acne can be treated much more effectively if it is treated along with acne products, be they over the counter or prescribed. There are numerous acne products sold over the counter currently for the prevention and treatment of acne, with many of these products scientifically proven to be effective in the treatment of acne.

In severe cases, it is best that you consult the dermatologist for advice and get a prescription for stronger acne products. These acne treatments and products require a higher degree of monitoring, as they tend to have more side effects.

The acne product recommended depends on the type and severity of the acne. There are acne ointments and acne creams containing benzyl peroxide to treat both mild and moderate acne. For more serious acne, there are topical antibiotics that kill the bacteria in the blocked follicles. For even more serious cases, oral antibiotics are effective. And for extremely severe cases, laser surgery can cut the root of the acne.

Aside from treating acne with products, a proper diet is also very important. Teens should avoid eating foods that are too oily, too spicy or too acidic.

So with all these acne treatment options available, you can rest assured that acne will never be an ugly and permanent fixture on your face. When acne rears its ugly head, do not let it ruin your life. With the right acne treatment and right acne products you can get rid of acne for good!

Revolutionary Acne Treatment

Clenziderm MD is a acne treatment with a revolutionary break through technology. Clenziderm MD is clinically proven to penetrate your pores deeply and clear acne very fast. What sets Clenziderm MD apart from other popular acne treatments, it is the only acne treatment with a liquid form of benzoyl peroxide, Clenziderm MD has been clinically proven to provide visibly clearer skin in as little as 3 weeks. Obagi Clenziderm MD for normal to dry Skin helps to clear acne quickly while minimizing dryness.

Studies indicate that no other single acne treatment or combination of acne treatments are proven to work on all 3 causes of acne, including acne causing bacteria, excess oil and clogged pores. In a recent clinical study, after only 3 weeks of use, Clenziderm MD Reduced sore red acne by 62 percent and reduced blackheads and whiteheads by 47 percent.

The Clenziderm MD prescription strength acne treatment is a scientific breakthrough that represents a significant advance in acne treatments, as a result, this powerful new medication instantly penetrates your skins pores and begins reducing acne below your skins surface, providing a clearer complexion in as early as 3 weeks.

Clean your skin thoroughly before applying the medication and allow skin to dry completely before applying Clenziderm MD. Moisten a cotton ball with Clenziderm MD and wipe the cotton ball over your face. Now, finish with Clenziderm MD Serum Gel. You can use this gel either in the am or pm by applying just one pump onto a cotton pad over the entire face.

You need to look no further than the new Clenziderm MD acne treatment line from the trusted Obagi skin care specialist. Obagi, is a leader in the physician dispensed skin care community, which helps in the developing and commercializing in the skin health products for plastic surgery, dermatology, plastic surgery, and related aesthetic markets.

Choosing the Right Acne Treatment

When most people think about acne and acne products they tend to think about teenagers hoping to be acne free for prom. While buying acne skin care products are a part of the teen years’ experience, for many people, acne and acne scars follow them beyond their teenage years into adulthood.

Unfortunately adult onset acne doesn’t always respond to even the best acne treatments or acne products available at your corner drugstore. Acne products that are sold over the counter usually contain a little medication, which does little to help the cystic acne that most adults suffer from. Cystic acne can cause deep scars meaning that not only must the sufferer purchase acne skincare treatments; they must also purchase acne scar treatment products as well.

Cystic Acne isn’t always easy to treat. It can be a result of hormonal imbalances the stem from conditions such as Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome or even Insulin Resistance. Since acne products don’t treat the medical conditions that often are the cause of adult acne, becoming acne free isn’t easy. Adult acne treatment just isn’t as simple as applying an over the counter cream or slew of acne products on a few pimples every night.

The best acne treatments for adult onset acne are all inclusive; they clean, hydrate, and protect. Some dermatologists recommend changes in diet to help adults become acne free, but diet alone, without the help of some form of adult acne treatment, usually won’t clear things up. Just washing your face with acne skin care products doesn’t usually work either. In fact using too many acne products can actually make the problem worse.

The best acne treatments are those that are gentle yet effective, all inclusive, and simple to use. Finding adult acne treatment that meets those standards used to be difficult, until two Stanford dermatologists set to work to create a line of acne products that not only treat adult acne, but in doing so, help to prevent the onset of acne scars. Their product, Proactiv Solution, has transformed the world of acne products. It has been called one of the best acne treatments by doctors and their patients because it really tackles the problems of adult onset acne.

Proactive Solution is more than just a topical treatment. It is an acne management system that gets to the root of the problem and not only heals the acne that you have, but also prevents future outbreaks. Most of the acne skin care treatment options on the market today are more interested in treating existing acne, but do little to prevent your acne from returning. This means that the chances for acne scars is increased and costly acne scar treatment products or even surgery might be in your future.

Proactiv Solution is just that: a Proactive Solution! The best defense is a strong offense and Proactiv Solution penetrates deep into your skin to immobilize bacteria.

Even though Proactive Solution is designed to be used everyday, it is gentle on your skin. Unlike other chemical laden acne treatments that make your skin dry and flaky, Proactiv Solution is formulated with soothing botanicals like allantoin, panthenol, aloe, and chamomile. It hydrates your skin and leaves it feeling smooth and delicate.

Because Proactiv Solution helps to treat acne before it becomes evident on your skin, it is a great prevention for acne scars and expensive acne scar treatments. Used just twice a day, the formula is a great way to not only restore your skin to its former glory; it is a great way to keep it healthy.

Proactive Solution is easy to use. The three step process works together to annihilate acne. You simply wash with the exfoliating renewing cleanser, unclog your pores with the revitalizing cleanser, and then attack bacteria by smoothing on the repairing lotion. The whole process only takes a minute or two each day, but the result is acne free skin for good.

Even women that suffer from cystic acne caused by Polycystic Ovary Syndrome are reporting great results from using Proactiv. Before this revolutionary treatment was designed, women that suffered from PCOS were forced to try and hide their acne with heavy makeup, but using Proactiv is actually helping many women to smile at the face they see in the mirror each day.

Adult onset acne is never easy to deal with. It is hard to cope with a condition that you never expected to face once you left adolescence. It no longer needs to be something you spend a lot of time worrying about. With the power of Proactive Solution in your court, clear skin is closer than you think. Not only does it clear your acne, helping to prevent further outbreaks and ugly scarring, it leaves your face feeling soft, supple, and hydrated, unlike over the counter ointments that leave your skin red and dry.

Celebrities Who Suffer From Acne

Is there any such thing as a celebrity who suffers from acne?

At first, it seems not… but that’s only a myth – there really are celebrities out there who suffer from acne!

Many people envy those who have achieved celebrity status. They are viewed as rich and powerful… glamorous and sometimes even a little super-human.

When you see them on television, in movies or in the glossy magazines the men always look ruggedly handsome and the women look stunningly beautiful.

Seldom are we given the chance to see these celebrities, in the comfort and privacy of their own homes, as they wake up in the mornings. No doubt the envious population would change their options somewhat knowing that almost no one is particularly glamorous at that time of day.

Cosmetics, technology and advanced photo editing methods can easily make people look younger, thinner and magically cover up flaws such as freckles, scars and acne. This is just what the producers of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire have had to do.

All three adolescent stars – Daniel Radcliffe who plays Harry Potter, 15. Rupert Grint who plays Ron Weasley, 17 and Emma Watson 15, who plays Hermione Granger – have broken out with acne forcing the film makers of Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire to use special effects to hide their skin imperfections.

Celebrities deal with the same problems the rest of us do, acne being one of them. Britney Spears, Judith Light, Stephanie Seymour and Elle Macpherson have all publicly discussed how they have suffered from and corrected their acne problem.

By doing so, they have not only helped themselves, but millions of other acne sufferers around the world – they are positive proof that acne treatments work.

Your acne problem won’t be gone overnight, it will take time. But as you begin to see an improvement in your condition it’s quite possible that you will begin to feel like a celebrity, too!

causes of adult acne

I hate ZITS! What about you? Ah, don’t even bother answering this question. We all share the same feelings about whiteheads, blackheads, pimples, blemishes and acne in general. It SUCKS! Now, the trick is finding a way to stifle this affliction. Wouldn’t it be phenomenal to never have a zit again for the rest of your life? I would pay big money for this wish to be granted. But unfortunately it’s not going to happen. Life is never that easy. Even for adults the pimples just keep coming. Yeah, you heard right, teenagers. This dilemma isn’t necessarily going to stop when you hit your 20s. I’m 31 years old and still get a few blemishes here and there. But what are the causes of adult acne? This is a good question. Do you know?

If you haven’t already noticed, most adults get pimples once in a while. They might not have an all-out pizza face breakout, but they still end up with a blemish or two. This can go on until the ripe old age of 50. I know, it’s not something you really wanted to hear. Although a part of this is genetic, there are other causes of adult acne. One cause regards your diet. What are you shoveling into your mouth every day? I can tell you right now that high fat and high sugar foods will make your skin breakout. This is one of the major causes of adult acne, as well as acne amongst teens. What we consume excretes through our pores and gets into our bloodstream. It can also affect the way we smell. Think about this the next time you grab that Whopper or jelly doughnut. How is it going to affect your complexion? Water and vitamins are excellent for our skin. These essential elements nourish our body and it shows in our complexion. Try vegetables, lean meats and plenty of water for a solid week. You’ll be amazed at how well your skin looks. Improper grooming is also one of the causes of adult acne. If you’re not keeping yourself clean and your mug oil free, then you’re only hurting yourself. You want to keep your face free of oil and dirt. This helps prevent new acne from forming.

Always use a decent cleanser on your face. Dryness and irritation from harsh soaps are also common causes of adult acne. Eat a healthy, well-balanced diet, and cleanse your facial pores morning and night. A good, gentle cleanser to start with is Purpose.

Reasons Why Acne Appears After 30 Years

Adult acne is a form of common acne that can occur to people over 30 years of age. It is not uncommon for people who had no acne as a young person to found that they are having breakouts.

Acne appearance in an adult could have a number of causes.

The following are seven causes of adult acne:

1. Frequently the acne that one had as a teenager resurfaces later in adulthood. It is not always obvious why this occurs, but it is one reason for acne presence in adults.

2. In women, acne often reappears during pregnancy. This could also be true in the case of women during their menstrual period.

3. Something unusual is going on. It is smart idea to talk to a dermatologist or your family physician.

More possible causes of adult acne:

4. Particular medications can provoke acne. These medications include anabolic steroids, lithium, anti-tuberculosis drugs rifampin and isoniazid, anti-epileptic drugs and medications that contain iodine.

5. Constant physical pressure on the skin. Whether wearing a helmet or carrying a backpack, such pressure against the skin can cause breakouts.

6. Chlorinated industrial chemicals are another possible cause. Working in particular types of industrial environments can cause acne-like symptoms or even chloracne – a job-related skin disorder caused by constant exposure to chemicals, such as chlorinated dioxins.

7. Metabolic changes are yet another cause of adult acne. With changes in the hormonal balance of the body, such as those present during menstruation or pregnancy can cause acne in adults.

Causes Of Acne and New Treatment Approaches

The causes of acne are not fully understood, but dermatologists have certainly evolved in their knowledge and treatment approaches. During the process, many things that were believed to be associated with acne have either been ruled out, or modified with a deeper understanding.

Acne can occur at any time during a person’s life. Whilst many people suffer acne during teenage years, not having acne then does not mean it may not develop as an adult. However, genetics does play a role. So if someone in your family has acne, there is a greater chance of developing it.

But acne is not contagious. During teenage years, for women who are menstruating, and women going through menopause, there are hormonal changes that are associated with acne.

Acne sufferers have oil producing glands that are more sensitive to regular levels of the hormone testosterone in their blood. Sometimes too much testosterone is produced. Women have small amounts of testosterone also, and for some women, adrenal or ovarian disease is an underlying cause of acne which causes excess production of these male hormones.

Testosterone, or the body’s heightened responsiveness to it, causes the oil glands to produce more oil than they should. Here, other factors such as excess shedding of the dead skin cells lining the hair follicle, a narrowing of the hair follicles, and irregular clumping of the cells within the hair follicles, come into play. The end result is that the follicles become clogged with dead skin cells and oil, and the opening of the follicle is blocked. This is called a comedone.

This environment favors the multiplication of the acne bacteria, Propionibacterium acnes. This bacteria lives on the skin and is normally harmless. But the oil and dead cells in the clogged pore are like food to it, and the breakdown products of this bacteria’s mealtime is irritating to the skin. If the bacteria multiply to the extent that the follicle wall breaks open, lesions can develop.

The role of inflammation in acne is being studied to give new insights into how to approach acne treatment. The inflammatory process within the skin can attract molecules that break down the collagen in the skin. This can lead to permanent damage – scarring. A research team at the University of Michigan is looking at testing treatments that reduce the intensity of the immune system’s response to the effects of the ‘acne invasion’. By reducing the level of inflammation, they hope to prevent acne scarring.

Causes Of Acne And Its Prevention

Acne can be found in many forms. Papules, which are usually characterized by small pink bumps, painful to the touch; Pustules or pimples, pus filled lesions that can be red, Nodules which are lesions lodged deep within the skin and finally Cysts, possibly the most painful form of the disorder, are usually responsible for scarring. Doesn’t sound fun, does it? Good thing there are ways to prevent the problem, but first you must understand what causes it to form.

Doctors are unsure of the exact cause of this disorder, but many believe it to be due to several different reasons. During puberty, in both males and females, an increase in hormones called androgens cause the sebaceous glands to enlarge, thereby producing more sebum. Additionally, hormonal changes due to pregnancy can also cause this skin disorder. Genetics also seem to play a role in the formation, meaning the tendency to develop it can stem from whether your parents had it or not. Pore-clogging cosmetics and certain drugs (Lithium, for example) have also been known to make the situation even worse.

What can make it worse? Well, for starters, friction. Rubbing, excessive scrubbing, or leaning on the skin, especially your face, can lead to an increase. However, chocolate and greasy foods do not cause this problem. Neither does stress nor dirty skin. It’s nice to know we can still enjoy a chocolate bar without worrying about a gigantic pimple cropping up!

If you suffer from this problem, know that you are not alone. People from all age groups and races can get it, from adolescents to even adults.

It is often treated by dermatologists, who are doctors trained specifically in skincare. While very good at treating all types, they specialize in treating more severe cases. For moderate cases, seeing your primary physician should be sufficient. Stopping scarring, psychological distress and prevention, while also healing preexisting problems, are the main goals of any practitioner. Your doctor will discuss with you treatment options, and whether over the counter, prescription drugs or a combination of both will be the most effective treatment for your particular case.

There’s no doubt that it’s embarrassing, not to mention unsightly. To avoid any reoccurrence, especially if you are using anything to treat the condition, be sure you follow a few key steps:

Wash your face twice a day with a mild cleanser, and do not scrub too hard. Also, try to stay away from pore clogging makeup and cosmetics, because that will have a detrimental effect on your skin. Avoid excessive exposure to sunlight as much as possible, and if you must go out wear a mild sunscreen to prevent burning.

With these tips in mind, you should be well on your way to acne-free skin in no time.

Causes of Acne

Acne is an inflammatory skin disease that is caused due to certain biological variations in the pilosebaseous units (skin structures consisting of a hair follicle and its connecting sebaceous gland) of the skin. The most common form of acne known as «acne vulgaris” usually appears during adolescence.

Acne is caused due to excessive oil in human body. The glands in the skin secrete excessive amount of oil that block the hair follicles by combining naturally with the dead skin cells. Generally, people who eat a lot of oily food suffer from this problem.

Due to acne some parts of the human body are affected. Some of them are face, arms etc. The oil secretions behind the blocked pores create a perfect environment for uncontrolled multiplication by the bacteria in the skin. In response, the skin inflames, producing the visible lesion (acne). Rashes are occurred on the body. The face, upper arms, back and chest are especially affected by acne.

The certain lesions of acne are: blackish elevations or pale yellow and/or small whitish bumps. More inflamed rashes take the shape of boil-like tender swellings or reddish bumps. After resolution of the blemishes, prominent unsightly acne scars may remain.

The acne condition is common in puberty as a result of an abnormal response to normal levels of the male hormone testosterone. Acne occurs when the hormones are increased due to excess oil in the body. There is however no way to predict how long acne will take to disappear completely or that it will ever recur again.

Acne affects a large percentage of humans at some stage in life. Apart from leaving behind the marks of scars it has some psychological effects as well causing stress and depression. Therefore acne should not be neglected and should be treated with great care and responsibility to ensure a healthy life.

Causes Adult Acne

What Causes Adult Acne?

Regardless of age, acne is a condition of the sebaceous glands. These glands are attached to hair follicles and produce an oily substance called sebum. An acne lesion forms when a hair follicle becomes plugged with sebum and dead cells. The pathogenic (disease-causing) events in the sebaceous glands are believed to be due in large degree to changes in levels of androgenic (male) hormones in the body—a circumstance usually associated with the growth and development that occurs between the ages of 12 and 21. Therefore, it is important to look for an underlying cause of acne that occurs for the first time in adulthood.

Acne that appears after 25 to 30 years of age occurs for one of these reasons:

1. Recurrence of acne that cleared up after adolescence

2. Flare-up of acne after a period of relative quiet—for example, during pregnancy

3. Occurs for the first time in a person who had never previously had acne.

Acne that appears for the first time in adulthood should be examined by a dermatologist who can investigate the underlying cause. Some causes of adult acne are:

* Medication. Some medications that can induce acne include anabolic steroids (sometimes used illegally by athletes to “bulk up”), some anti-epileptic medications, the anti-tuberculosis drugs isoniazid and rifampin, lithium and iodine-containing medications.

* Chronic physical pressure on the skin. Chafing from the straps of a backpack or tucking a violin between the jaw and chin can cause chronic physical pressure on the skin and may induce a condition known as acne mechanica.

* Chlorinated industrial chemicals. These may induce the occupational skin disorder known as chloracne.

* Metabolic conditions. Changes in the hormonal balance, such as those brought about by pregnancy, menstruation or hormonal abnormalities can induce acne.

It is also important to know that some lesions which appear to be acne are not acne at all. One skin condition that resembles acne is folliculitis, which occurs when the hair follicles become infected and inflamed. Folliculitis requires different treatment than acne.

Acne that occurs in adulthood may be difficult to treat if there are multiple recurrences. Some patients with severe recurrent acne have undergone repeated courses of treatment with the potent systemic drug isotretinoin.

Since adult acne may be difficult to treat, acne that appears for the first time in adulthood should be examined and treated by a dermatologist.

Can Your Diet Clear Up Acne Breakouts

Conventional wisdom used to say that your diet (eating chocolate or greasy foods) would result in an unwanted acne breakout. Later skin professionals and dermatologists learned that there is no proven scientific connection between acne and food. But does what you eat really have a direct influence on the status of your face?

The answer is ‘no’, a bad food diet does not ‘directly’ cause an acne breakout. But, as most doctors will tell you, what you choose to put in your body will have a definite effect on your health, including your skin health. Excessive caffeine, sugary foods, and greasy, fatty snacks will all have a negative effect on our overall health. And if your skin is particularly susceptible to acne, maintaining a poor diet will definitely not help the situation. A bad food diet can therefore have an ‘indirect’ effect!

Choosing foods that are high in sugar, fat content, and refined carbohydrates can all be damaging to your skin health. Studies have shown that too much sugar and refined carbohydrates in your diet can lead to a surge in insulin. This can create the condition known as IGF-1, where an increase in insulin creates the over-production of male hormones. And excessive male hormones can produce an excess of sebum, the greasy stuff that can clog your pores, attract bacteria, and create an environment conducive to acne! IGF-1 is also believed to cause keratinocytes to multiply, which can wreak havoc on skin.

Saturated fats are the bad guys of the food world. Doctors have been warning of the health consequences of consuming trans fats and saturated fats. The negative consequences of saturated fats on the body are a weakening the immune system, promoting inflammation, and for those prone to acne breakouts, raising the skin’s oil production level. Keep your body healthy and filled with good health-promoting nutrients for the best complexion possible. You should strive to reduce saturated fats -they will certainly not help you in your battle against acne.

But all oils are not bad. There are also good oils which are actually conducive to healthy skin. In fact, certain oils are absolutely essential. These essential fatty acids reduce inflammation and help promote healthy skin, What oils should you add to your regular diet? Fish Oil, olive oil, and flax oil are all good oils that should become a part of your diet. Fish oil and flax oil in particular are recommended for maintaining a glowing complexion.

What about vitamins and minerals? You should maintain a steady intake of vitamins and minerals to promote a healthy skin-enriching diet. Vitamin A is paramount for promoting healthy skin. Vitamin A is found in abundance in avocados and carrots. Vitamin B-6, Vitamin C, and Zinc are other important nutrients for promoting a good complexion. An easy way to ensure that you’re getting all the vitamins and minerals you need to help fight acne is to eat a diet rich in vegetables, fruits, and essential fatty acids.

One of the lesser-considered aspects of the food and acne debate is the role that food allergies play in promoting acne. Some people experience severe cases of acne even if they lead a very healthy diet and have never suffered from severe acne before. The cause could be a food allergy of some kind.

Common causes of food allergies include excess sugar, dairy products, and certain refined flours and grains. Avoid foods rich in iodine, which have been linked to acne in the past. If you consume iodized salt, make the switch to sea salt. Iodine-rich foods may include salt, liver, cheese, crabs, shellfish, clams, and kelp products. If you find dairy products exacerbate your acne, consider switching to soy or rice milk and cheese products.

Whether certain foods cause an acne or whether these foods are just one of many contributing factors is an ongoing debate. Much has been learned and much more has yet to be learned. Add to this the fact that one individual may be affected by a certain food and another not at all and you quickly learn there is no single answer, no magic bullet that will work for everyone. But hopefully this information will help you determine what works for you!