Entrepreneur Magazine: What it Has to Offer You

Entrepreneur Magazine is considered by many people to be the best resource for entrepreneurs out there. Whether you are still thinking about starting your own venture or trying to expand your already-established business, Entrepreneur Magazine is the best resource for you.

What does Entrepreneur Magazine provide you with? Well, here are some things you might find useful inside Entrepreneur Magazine:

1) Articles – the articles inside Entrepreneur magazine discuss a large variety of topics. These articles are written to help every kind of entrepreneur. What topics are discussed in the articles?

1. A) Start-up -these articles are written specially for the budding entrepreneur. These articles provide useful tips and advice on how to start your own venture. Included in these articles are different opinions on what the best initial business should be.

These articles can also provide you with very good insights into what you should expect when you start your venture.

1. B) Finance – these articles of Entrepreneur magazine discuss the financial aspect of the business. They provide useful advice on how to handle the money matters of your new venture. Financial experts write these articles in a manner that’s easy to understand so the entrepreneur won’t get lost in the financial lingo.

1. C) Market -Entrepreneur Magazine contains articles that help entrepreneurs keep up-to-date on the market. We all know that the market behaves erratically and that business ventures are often at the mercy of customers’ whims.

Studying the market can help you gain the advantage over your competition. You can also prepare yourself for any behavioral trends that may affect the way you do business. The market is important because it is the biggest factor that you cannot control. Remember that no matter how good you think your products or services are, if the customers don’t want it, you can’t force them to buy it.

2) Tips – Entrepreneur Magazine also contains tips on different aspects of business. The tips differ from the articles in the sense that they are straight to the point. These tips come in the form of lists or «dos and don’ts». By reading these tips, you can gleam information quickly and put the advice to good use.

3) Opportunities – Entrepreneur Magazine gives what every entrepreneur needs: opportunity. By reading Entrepreneur Magazine, you get to access a lot of listings that provide you with the information you need on how to get opportunities out there.

Remember that business opportunities should be grasped and shaped into the venture you want. If you have the chance for a great venture, you should take it! Always have the guts to go with your feelings when you just know that you are going to succeed.

Remember that if you want to make it: you can!

4) Contacts – Entrepreneur magazine can provide you with information on how to contact people who may be able to help you get your business off the ground. By reading Entrepreneur magazine, you will be able to establish a client base quickly.

Contacts are important in today’s world of business. Even if you have a great product or service, if nobody knows about it, then it’s useless. By getting the proper connections, you can get your business running sooner than you expect.

5) Inventions – Entrepreneurs not only consist of people who want to start a business. Entrepreneurs are people who introduce something to the market that people are willing to pay for. Inventors may be brilliant, but they need help selling their inventions.

Entrepreneur magazine gives you tips on the legalities of selling your invention or getting your product recognized and sold. They also keep you up to date on any new inventions that you may want to take part in selling. This way, you might end up being the pioneer of a brand new revolution.

There you go; those are some of the advantages that you can have if you read Entrepreneur Magazine. If you are thinking that reading is so boring and surfing the web is so much more interesting, then you are in luck. Entrepreneur Magazine also contains some useful websites that you can surf in order to expand your entrepreneurial horizon.

All in all, Entrepreneur Magazine is a great help in expanding your business. Remember though, that reading about and idea is useless if you don’t act on it.

Entrepreneur Magazine

How Entrepreneur Magazines Can Help You on Your Way to Success

None of us were born business wizards. Even Bill Gates has to have gotten help from somewhere in order to know how to get Microsoft going, right?

Entrepreneur magazines can go a long way in helping you get your business venture up and running. How, you ask? Well, entrepreneur magazines contain a lot of information that the entrepreneur may fins useful.

Entrepreneur magazines are written specially for the businessman. Thus, by reading this type of magazine, you will be exposed to the world that is entrepreneurship. Entrepreneur magazines help entrepreneurs catch up on the latest news about the world of business. With this type of magazine, you can be sure to have the latest buzz of the market and how to expand your opportunities.

Now, some people may reason out that reading a magazine about entrepreneurship is just too much time-consuming than looking up what you need in the internet. However, have you ever considered the fact that what you read in a magazine seems to stick more to your mind than what you can find on the internet?

Another advantage of reading magazines is the fact that with a magazine, you can be sure of who wrote what you are reading. To tell you the truth, the internet is full of entrepreneurial advises from people who have no idea what they are talking about.

However, high quality magazines are written by people who have the right information and all the facts regarding entrepreneurship. On magazines, you’ll be able to make sure that the information you are getting will in no way endanger your venture.

We all know the risks that come with trying to research something on the internet. One wrong click and your computer could be reduced to an expensive piece of thrash. Magazines, on the other hand, pose no threat to your equipment.

Entrepreneur magazines are useful because they are also easy to understand. Unlike web pages which need you to click here, you can easily turn a page on a magazine. Another plus with a magazine is that you can carry it anywhere for quick reference.

However, magazines and web sites actually do not have a competition going on. In fact, major entrepreneurial magazines today have websites that lets you see what goes on behind the publication.

Magazines also contain relevant contact information for the aspiring entrepreneur. This information can help you get in touch with various people with the knowledge on how to get your venture started. This is can be very helpful since you will be competing in a world where who you know matters more than what you know.

Entrepreneur magazines can also help you by providing you with useful tips on how to improve your business. With entrepreneur magazines, you can actually get a glimpse of what trends can affect your business in the future.

This is very helpful because, as they say, preparation always helps. If you are prepared to face a crisis, the more chances you have of resolving it. Entrepreneur magazines can help you be prepared by providing you information and expert opinions on what that information can mean to the business community.

Remember that business can be very tricky. One day, you can be on top of the world, with a number of customers filing into your restaurant. One health report later and you can be bankrupt. In order to prevent this from happening, entrepreneurial magazines can help you prepare contingency plans to neutralize threats to your business.

There are also different types of entrepreneurial magazines, each type giving you great advice for your business. Specialized entrepreneur magazines are great, since they allow you to dig a little deeper into your business, not just entrepreneurship in general.

Entrepreneur magazines are also great sources for entertainment. You might think that reading an entrepreneur magazine would be just too painful after having a long day at work, but these are actually pretty interesting magazines. There are articles and stories that the entrepreneur can relate to without being bored to death. You are sure that the content is something you can relate with, and this means that you can have entertainment and brain food at the same time! Now that is one great idea.

Entrepreneur Ideas

Best Business for the Future

Conservation of the environment is becoming more evident than ever before. Fear of old age and ugly figure have been the concerns of many people especially women. And security of the future has fastly overtaken the present needs. Business that would answer the things above would reap ten fold in the years to come since many would be more than willing to spend extra bucks on keeping their environment clean, keeping their face young, and saving for their retirement.

Here are the particular businesses that would work in the future:

Perpetual diet

According to The National Eating Disorders Association, 45% of women and 25% of men are on a diet each day! And this is not the end of story. Eighty percent of women admit that they are dissatisfied with their figure. That’s almost ½ of the entire population. What does this mean? Many are seeking for products that would improve their figure. Entering in this type of business can be a good gamble.

Alternative health products

The growing number of heath conscious equates to the growing number of market for products that will keep human body healthy. This means that the alternative health product business can be a good place to be in the future. Tea, ginseng, and Acai berries are some of the products in good circulation today. These products are also marketed as an alternative medicine.

Organic food

You surely have heard about genetically modified organism or the GMO. You surely have heard about the possible effects it may do to the body. And with this concern, there is an exponential increase of the number of people who are becoming more and more careful on the type of food they eat.

Since organic foods are 100% safe and clean, the market for this business is fastly growing.

Water Products

Not so long ago, you can still see many people filling their bottles with tap water and drink from it. Well, this practice has long been forgotten and will remain to be forgotten… even forbidden. Gone are the days when people can drink clear and clean water from any source. Now, it is common to see water dispensers at offices and even houses. And it is very common to see fridge with reserved bottled drinking water.

Capitalizing on this business will draw in cash for sure. You can either be a distributor of drinking water on you neighborhood or establish your own bottling plant.

Ecological products

People have the tendency to look for something that is not usual on their surroundings. So if you are waking up, living, and sleeping in urban areas, you will tend to look for something different, something natural. And if you cannot go out of town, the best way to set some changes is purchasing ecological products. Furniture, home decors, flooring, and other products that encapsulate nature would be a choice to you.

On the other hand, if you are an entrepreneur and have seen this, you will surely be one of the firsts who would venture on this business.

High tech security system or biometrics

If you were a homeowner or a businessman with lots of high tech devises inside your home or offices, you surely would want to protect them. A simple door lock would not do, right? What you need is high tech security system that will limit the access of your facilities to those you have granted the access. Retina scan, finger print identification, and other biometric identification are the ways to do it.

A business that caters this need will certainly be a good business.

Retirement Planners/Financial Advisors

Growing old is a part of life and aging people are part of the population. These people want to carefully plan the remaining years of their life with professional advisers. Retirement Planners or financial advisers would be the right person they need. If you have the keen on this type of business, then, you have a lot of work to do for many aging people need you.

Of course, entering the mentioned businesses would not automatically mean that you will earn too much. You still have to work for it and study carefully how the business works.

Essential Entrepreneurial Traits

It is not true that successful entrepreneurs are born that way; in fact, anyone can be a successful entrepreneur. However, there are some specific entrepreneurial traits a person must have to be successful in the field of business. Of course, entrepreneurship is not for everyone. But with these particular character traits, you can see if you really have what it takes to succeed in the highly-competitive, world of business. What are these essential entrepreneurial traits that anyone who is interested in starting a business must possess?

1. Independence – This is the most common denominator of all entrepreneurs. They want to seize control of their future; thus they decide to become their own boss instead of laboring under the gaze of a master. An entrepreneur has a strong sense of independence and will march forward with a purpose and that is to earn money through his own means and hard work.

2. Persistence and Determination – The world of entrepreneurship is fraught with both success and failure. An important quality of a successful entrepreneur is the doggedness to continue pursuing his goal despite some setbacks and obstacles that he may encounter on the road. This persistence and determination is fueled by a burning desire to achieve his goal of succeeding in his chosen field of business.

3. Self-Confidence – Along with independence, an entrepreneur possess self-confidence. They believe in their capabilities and makes sure that they will put in their best effort into their particular endeavors and likewise expect the best results from it. The business world is very competitive and is not a place for the half-hearted. Belief in one’s capabilities is very important in achieving any goal – especially in the world of entrepreneurship.

4. Creativity – In the business world, you can not afford to be complacent and un-creative unless you want the competition to move up on ahead of you. Thus, you really have to be very creative – you should be able to create new ideas as well as find new ways to solve problems. By this way, you can make sure that you stay ahead of the competition. Creative people are naturally curious, inquisitive, bright and highly flexible when thinking. They keenly observe their environment and have an eye for spotting new trends that could potentially be a business opportunity.

5. Organized and goal-oriented – An entrepreneur knows the value of organization in a business endeavor. All efforts must be focused towards achieving the goal. A good entrepreneur systematizes every move he/she makes so that less time and other resources are consumed in achieving the goal, yet the goal is the best expected result, nonetheless. A good entrepreneur has the ability to consolidate his resources.

6. Visionary – An entrepreneur has a vision for his future. He/She is guided by this vision in everything he/she in his business endeavor. This vision may be for short, middle or long term, but all visions are to ultimately succeed in expanding one’s business.

7. Risk-taking and Tolerance for Failure– A good entrepreneur realizes that loss and failure are inherent in any business endeavor. Thus, an entrepreneur must always be ready to make calculated risks and face whatever consequences those risks might have. Entrepreneurs must have the courage to face failure and start again despite these setbacks. As in all fields of endeavor, the characteristic of a successful entrepreneur is in never giving up and in picking up the pieces and continuing the journey even if failure momentarily obstructs the way.

8. Perseverance and Hard Work – These are perhaps two of the most important entrepreneurial traits. In the world of business, there can be no real success without perseverance and hard work.

9. Commitment – An entrepreneur will not achieve success if he/she gives up at the first sign of trouble. Commitment to his business and to its success springs from the urge to achieve the goal.

10. Honesty and Honor – Another very important mark of a good entrepreneur is his being honest and honorable in all his business dealings and interpersonal relationships – whether it is between business partners, employees, peers and investors.

So, do you think you have what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur? Make sure you have the above mentioned entrepreneurial traits and qualities and we assure you, you definitely have what it takes to succeed in the world of business.

Entrepreneurialism Takes A Village

Former first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton once wrote a book called “It Takes A Village”. In that book Clinton indicates that every adult has some influence over the way a child ultimately views the world and how those children relate to that world.

This article is not about Clinton’s book, but rather the concept of how interrelated we are as a culture.

When it comes to entrepreneurialism on the Internet it truly does take a village for your business to succeed. This article will look at two different types of villages required for online business success.

Let’s take a look at the first village.


These are the people that have helped you get to the place of business on the web. These individuals could be supporting parents, a spouse, former employer, former co-workers, business mentors, etc.

No one ever really gets to a destination without someone else helping them. There can be positive outcomes related to self reliance, but with entrepreneurialism a business owner begins to see clearly there is a great deal of personal debt involved in the development of a dream. Just listen to any awards show and you catch a glimpse that the one standing in the limelight is simply casting a shadow to shade those who helped them achieve success.

The second village?


Once you understand you cannot achieve success without the influence or help of others you can begin developing a community on the web that facilitates the success of your business.

Without the development of a sense of community your business would be like building a discount store at the North Pole. Sure, you might have customers at Christmastime, but for all intents and purposes you have failed to grasp the need for community. If you make it hard for customers to find you they will stop looking. In fact, if you exist in some out of the way place on the web most people will never know to look for you.

Just as you need individuals to help shape and mold you into who you are, you also need to intentionally develop a presence on the web that will provide a welcome to others whom you may have the opportunity to influence just as they contribute to your financial success.

Whatever legacy we leave behind is always commingled with the assistance we have gained through personal relationships. The individuals who have helped us along the way are honored as we work to pass along the collective wisdom they instilled in us combined with our own personal knowledge.

Entrepreneurialism is best dedicated to the idea that each of us needs others. In business the consumer needs the business owner and the business owner needs the consumer.

No matter how you look at it, entrepreneurialism requires a village.

Entrepreneurialism Looking For A Change In Life

Have you ever wondered why so many people are attracted to game shows or the lottery?

Let’s see…

* fabulous wealth
* exciting prizes
* a better life

I’d like to suggest there is something different at work in these get-rich-quick ideas that are heavily linked to our culture at large.

* the potential to be in the spotlight if only for a brief moment in time.
* the underlying hope that there might be a way out of a current job.

When lotto winners are asked what they will do with their winnings many of them will reply, “Quite my job.” This is typically followed by a chuckle that indicates their genuine dissatisfaction with their job.

Is it possible that one of the greatest motivators for game show participation and playing the lotto has to do with job dissatisfaction?

You may think this is a stretch, but if an individual is satisfied with their job they may be less inclined view their present situation in a negative light. Why? Because the life they want is the one they have. They have found a point of contentment and it shows in the way they view their occupation and life in general.

Get-rich-quick ideas have always played on the inherent dissatisfaction many feel in regards to their occupation.

Entrepreneurialism is about more than simply developing a business. It is about moving your life outlook from the dissatisfied column to the satisfied and from discontentment to contentment.

We all want to be comfortable in our own skin. We all want to feel that what we do makes a difference in the lives of others and in our own lives. Yet there are thousands of stories that point out the despair and frustration many feel when they approach mid-life and think of their past work experience as an evidence of failure instead of a motivation to consider something with greater purpose.

Interestingly many of these individuals are learning to look past their personal views of their past life and look forward to discovery using the entrepreneurial spirit.

Statistics indicate an increasing number of mature adults are discovering the potential in entrepreneurialism. This has become an important component in discovering a way out of a present job without winning the lotto and the bonus of finding job satisfaction they have always desired without needing to confront a banker on a game show.

If you can take the time to ask yourself what you would like to do with your time if money and time was no object you might unearth a passion that could be parlayed into a business.

Your ‘moment in the sun’ could be as close as learning what it is you were always supposed to do. Many will settle for a job they don’t like simply because it’s safe and provides an income.

Motivation comes in all shapes and sizes, but one of the best motivations is the discovery of the entrepreneurial spirit.

Don’t be surprised if it changes the direction of your life – and you won’t even need to consider a few lucky numbers.

Entrepreneurialism And The Dwarf House

Entrepreneurialism is a dynamic that has two primary sources of influence – passion and necessity.

To become an entrepreneur is enjoyable when you have a passion for a business idea you are passionate about. However, if you have to become an entrepreneur in response to a fight or flight mentality the story might be different.

This is the true story of a young man who served his country in World War II, but had no idea what he could do to make a living once he was discharged.

In 1946 this young man went into debt to develop the Dwarf House restaurant with his brother, Ben. This young man’s family had been devastated by the stock market crash just a few years before and it was those hard times that made it important for there to be a success with the restaurant.

His father had been an insurance salesman, so the boy leaned how to make a return on a simple investment and the importance of responding to the needs of others. He could make a nickel if he bought a six-pack of pop and sold them individually to thirsty neighbors. This was the do or die mentality that drove the man to create a restaurant from a building that was too small in a less than idea location using money he could not pay back if the business failed.

One of the earliest difficulties this man faced was trying to find supplies to run his business. Wartime had made it difficult to find enough supplies to keep a business going. It was even more so with a new business.

The business would fall upon hard times when Ben died in a plane crash leaving the young man to run the business alone.

When a second restaurant was opened and established, a fire on the uninsured business was a huge setback.

At that moment the man determined he had no choice but to move forward. Eventually experiments with making poultry a positive fast food choice led to the development of a fast food chain the serves no hamburgers.

A business that began as a simple entrepreneurial effort based exclusively on the need of a war veteran now features nearly 41,000 employees and represents 1300 stores.

That businessman is Truett Cathy, owner of Chick-Fil-A. This entrepreneurial effort remains a private company and Cathy has instituted a policy that keeps the stores closed on Sunday so families can be guaranteed a day away from work each week. Cathy is also a well-noted and enthusiastic philanthropist.

Cathy provides some great advice for others seeking to fulfill either an entrepreneurial dream or a business birthed in necessity, “Contrary to what you may have been taught in business school, your net worth is not the sum of all you have managed to accumulate in your lifetime. When you die, those who survive you will measure your net worth by what you have given.»

Entrepreneurialism And Pigeon Guano

We were all horrified to see the Interstate 35W bridge spanning the Mississippi River in Minnesota collapsed in 2007.

What may be surprising is a Discovery Channel report that indicates pigeons may be partially responsible for the collapse. Certainly experts aren’t looking to the pigeon as the brainchild of some terrorist plot, but the pigeons apparently do create a problem, and not just for bridges.

This DC report indicates pigeon guano is highly corrosive. Since these birds instinctively nest in concealed locations the discrete call of nature can provide significant and corrosive buildup given enough time.

Reports going back to 1987 indicate the birds were a problem in relation to the bridge in the collapse and their guano was especially problematic for bridge inspectors who recognized the potential problem. Screens were placed over openings in the bridge reducing nesting opportunities, but the birds continued to roost on the steel beams, which pigeons apparently view as a place to roost much like they would on cliffs in a more natural setting.

According to the report, the corrosive nature of pigeon guano may have actually accelerated rusting of the steel beams of the Minnesota bridge beyond engineers original predictions.

Colorado Department of Transportation officials indicate pigeon guano can actually dissolve concrete.

No one is saying the pigeons are responsible, but the bridge collapse has allowed concerns to be issued and other states are looking into ways to discourage pigeons from seeing bridges as a desirable place to roost.

Entrepreneurs can gain some insight into how they develop their business from the hapless pigeon.

There is a saying that is true in most instances, “Don’t sweat the small stuff.” However, when developing a business it is important to at least pay attention and work at managing the ‘small stuff’.

It is possible to view minor issues that come up as simple annoyances, but the accumulation of ‘small stuff’ provides the potential of creating a major problem in the realm of entrepreneurialism.

Developing an entrepreneurial enterprise is not unlike building a bridge in that you need a mechanism to get from one location to another. Entrepreneurialism helps make it possible to travel to where your dreams have yearned to explore (from point A to point B).

Sometimes the concentration of mismanaged, but minor, details can cause the bridge of entrepreneurialism to collapse. For instance if you do not pay attention to the details of administration you may miss details that could cause problems down the road. Refusing to look into various government regulations could cause additional problems, setbacks and the potential collapse of your entrepreneurial efforts. These problems might be minor setbacks or they could be something more substantial.

I recognize the devastation of the bridge collapse and nothing in this article is intended to minimize the seriousness of the issue, but the matter of the pigeons and their long-term association with the bridge provides a powerful lesson in the negative effects of failing to adequately address the small problems in your startup. This is true of bridges, life and entrepreneurialism.

Entrepreneurialism And Mentorship

Today’s motivation for young entrepreneurs is being fueled through a variety of mentor-based programs that work to assist in the development of great ideas while pointing out potholes to avoid.

Organizations like Entrepreneurs Only (EO) are working to foster growth in young entrepreneurs with a sizeable dream. The organization further encourages philanthropy as part of the goodwill associated with establishing the vision.

Make no mistake, becoming an entrepreneur is as grueling as any class you’ve ever attended which is why it makes sense to link with an entrepreneurial group or message board that will allow you to ask questions and learn from the collective wisdom of those you are in contact with.

“Mentor: Someone whose hindsight can become your foresight” – Author Unknown

Experience can come in two flavors. The first is through personal failures and the wisdom gained from those very personal events. The second is by expressing a willingness to learn from the mistakes of others.

When developing a business it is in your best interest to seek out someone who’s been on the road your traveling and see what you can learn from him or her.

“I considered Nat King Cole to be a friend and, in many ways, a mentor. He always had words of profound advice.” – Diahann Carroll

Some may have had the rare privilege of having a mentor who helped shape them into the human being they are today, but many are still looking for someone to interact with that can assist them in both personal and professional growth.

Interestingly, many who could be mentors typically do not see themselves as such. These individuals can pinpoint mistakes they have made in their lives and come away with the decision that they are not qualified to be a mentor.

Whether in business or life one of the most valuable assets you will ever have is a friend who will stand with you in all circumstances.

To further refine the point, a Public/Private Ventures study shows that participants in the mentoring program known as Little Brothers and Little Sisters are:

46% less likely to begin using illegal drugs;
27% less likely to begin using alcohol;
52% less likely to skip school;
37% less likely to skip class;
More confident in their schoolwork performance;
Able to get along better with their families.

A mentor is in many ways an advocate as well as a voice of reason. They aren’t parents and they shouldn’t be drill sergeants. In business and in life, a mentor is a goldmine and should be sought enthusiastically and with great care.

Entrepreneurialism: Seven Unnecessary Traits

When you are working to establish your own business you may believe certain things to be true about entrepreneurialism. While some traits may have merit there are other traits that may not be as necessary as you might have imagined.

Leadership Skills vs. Personal Drive

Interestingly, leadership skills are less important than personal drive. In most entrepreneurial efforts the seeds of an idea are cultivated by ONE not MANY. In the end if you believe in the idea you do not need the ability to lead others to pursue your dream.

Money vs. Dream

Entrepreneurial efforts are often about achieving a goal and less about making ‘money’ the primary goal. Certainly if you do your job well the money is likely to follow, but your efforts should be based on your dream first.

Power Broker vs. Average Joe

An entrepreneur does not need to pursue power in their business pursuits because they already possess the power they need to step out and follow their dream. In effect, an entrepreneur answers to themselves so, seeking personal power makes little sense in entrepreneurial efforts.

Extrovert vs. Introvert

You may find it interesting to learn that many introverted or shy individuals actually do well in many entrepreneurial endeavors. If you are outgoing it can be helpful to your overall goals, but the Internet has made it possible for introverted dreamers to find a place to let those dreams thrive.

Gamblers vs. Methodical Planning

Becoming an entrepreneur is often thought of as a gamble, however many entrepreneurs are better served by making careful plans and exercising proven strategies to minimize the chance of failure. Entrepreneurialism is not so much about throwing caution to the wind as it is about taking a dream and finding ways to make that dream a reality.

Organization vs. Creative Thought

You may find it interesting to note that some of the best business owners are not especially organized – it takes away from their ability to create new ways to make their business better. This is why you usually find these individuals with a quality assistant as the business grows. The end result is a mind that can envision where the business needs to go and steps over the pile of paperwork to get there.

As you take a look at the list you find that leadership skills, money, power brokering, being an extrovert, being a gambler and having strong organizational skills may not be as necessary to the role of entrepreneur as you may have thought.

So, with those excuses out of the way, what prevents you from following your dream?

Entrepreneurialism: Research Vs Intuition

In the development of a business there is a certain amount of research that must be conducted. Most entrepreneurs find themselves immersed in some form of research whether they like it or not.

For many burgeoning entrepreneurs there is a question of whether intense research or personal intuition is the best course of action in determining the direction needed in business decisions.

Henry Ford once said, “Thinking is the hardest work there is. Which is the probable reason why so few engage in it.” Even the pioneering automaker knew that research was a taxing and labor intensive process that was not necessarily enjoyable.

“If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?” – Author Unknown

There is a certain learning curve that comes with developing a new business, and it is research that moves us to a point of understanding. Ceilia Green once quipped, “The way to do research is to attack the facts at the point of greatest astonishment.”

It is often the vision realized through research that allows entrepreneurs to move beyond speculation to risk and reward.

However, if there is a battle it may well be between the usefulness of research or intuition in business development scenarios. Albert Einstein once wrote, “The only real valuable thing is intuition.” Albert Einstein was a genius, yet he placed a high value on intuition.

Dr. Joyce Brothers understood a dynamic that many miss when she wrote, “Trust your hunches. They’re usually based on facts filed away just below the conscious level.”

It may be possible that the very act of research allows our intuition to somehow work through all the intangibles so that intuition can take over. I would suggest that it is not a matter of whether research or intuition is more important, but how the two processes work together.

“Intuition becomes increasingly valuable in the new information society precisely because there is so much data.” – John Naisbitt

It is the very moment when research and intuition meet that they real enthusiasm typically begins for entrepreneurs. The two are ultimately allies in the process of understanding, but far too often individuals over analyze the research information without allowing intuition the freedom to understand what it somehow knows without being able to articulate.

The development of vision often occurs when the known meets the unknown and somehow understands they are compatible. The development of a majority of businesses occurred when research met intuition and found they were not enemies.

Entrepreneurialism: Doing The Wickipedia Four Step

According to Wikipedia, «An entrepreneur is a person who undertakes and operates a new enterprise or venture and assumes some accountability for the inherent risks. In the context of the creation of for-profit enterprises, entrepreneur is often synonymous with founder.»

Let’s see if we can break this definition down into bite sized chunks.

Entrepreneur as an Undertaker

This term indicates a certain amount of initiative that drives an individual to do something tangible with an idea they have conceived. This initiative is in context of a business startup.

Entrepreneur as an Operator

This term is indicative of an individual willing to get in the thick of things and develop the business from the standpoint of administrator and marketer. In effect, an entrepreneur must be willing to do everything needed to manage the business they are seeking to develop.

Entrepreneur and Accountability

An entrepreneur understands that the buck stops with them. They are willing to be responsible in the development and affairs of the business.

Entrepreneur as Risk Taker

There will always be the risk that a business startup will fail, but the risk an entrepreneur puts forth may also result in a profitable business. The entrepreneur understands the risks and determines to move forward in spite of those risks.

Entrepreneur as Founder

In the context of a successful business start up the entrepreneur is listed as the founder of the business. This individual did what it took to move their idea from the thought process to a reality. This is hard work and, if successful, their name will always be linked to the business. Some may consider this to be a portion of the legacy of the individual; certainly it can be a highpoint in a person’s work history.

There is an exhilaration that comes with entrepreneurialism. The road may be difficult and you may have to get creative in solving problems you’ve never encountered, but you are, in that moment, the quintessential entrepreneur. You have chosen to take the initiative to operate a business. You have determined to be accountable for all phases of your business startup and you recognize and accept the risks involved in business development.

Entrepreneurialism is not for the faint of heart, but for those who walk through the various steps listed above there is an incredible amount of satisfaction knowing that the work you have done will not only benefit yourself and your family, but the customers who will benefit from the product or service you provide.

Entrepreneurialism – The Right Formula

Kim Snider is the host of Financial Success Coaching on KRLD in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area. In one of her wonderful blog entries (Kimmunications) she defines success in entrepreneurialism this way, “One is E + S + I = FS and the other is .2(S) + .8(M) = FS. For those of you who don’t like math, I can picture your eyes starting to glaze over now, but stick with me. I am not about to get all nerdy on you.

“The first is a formulaic expression of something [I have said] before. Financial success comes from thinking like an entrepreneur (E), saving prodigiously (S), and investing wisely (I). Hence, E + S + I = FS.

“The second refers to my belief that financial success is only 20% skill-set (S) and 80% mindset (M). That is true at the broad level and it applies to each of the three areas of financial success.”

Kim defines the potential success of an entrepreneur in very tangible terms. In many ways the key to your success has a lot to do with your belief in yourself.

It may be more interesting to think that a product will either sell itself or it won’t, but at the end of the day your success may hinge on whether you really believe in what you are selling, your ability to sell it, and the long-term potential for business success.

It is a sense of personal investment that will allow you to take appropriate risks in business development. It is that mental toughness that will not allow you to play it safe.

Did you notice that Kim said that E + S + I = FS? How you think about your business is important, but so is the investment you can make in the business. A third element is also needed and that is the research needed to invest that hard-earned capital wisely.

Becoming an entrepreneur is not for the faint of heart. You have to find a balance where your thinking, available capital and investments combine to allow you to boldly step forward to locate a place where your dreams can connect with the needs of consumers.

If you struggle with saving or you aren’t really sure if you should do it, you need to earnestly seek to save in a more disciplined way and refuse to take the next step until you can believe in that next step with every fiber of your being.

Entrepreneurialism – The Power Of The What If

There are two words in the English language that hold the incredible power of personal change. These two common words challenge a set standard and looks to exact a revolution on what is status quo. These two words have alternately disturbed and excited mankind through the centuries and continue to do so today.

When answers come as a result of asking this two word question people often find their personal views will have to change – sometimes dramatically.

This is the power of “what if…”

Entrepreneurs understand that simply entertaining ‘what if’ has the potential to bring countless hours of work, sleepless nights and the need to build on a vision that just will not let them go until they do something about the dream.

Entrepreneurialism is not always the safest road, nor is it easy to walk. There are those who would derail the ‘what if’ whenever they are given the chance. The entrepreneur can expect to hear, “But it’s never been done that way.” They will be deluged with the glances of resident skeptics and if they are not careful the elusive ‘what if’ that has so captured them can fade under the withering gaze of conformity and they simply set their dream back on the shelf.

After all, sensible people don’t take unnecessary risks and ‘good’ people try their best to simply get along without rocking the boat. That certainly sounds reasonable, but is it?

You need to know that the entrepreneur is not trying to hand out heart attacks to those who think they may have lost their mind. The scenario playing itself out is simply proof that the power of ‘what if’ is so compelling it is virtually impossible for the entrepreneur to stand by and watch an opportunity or idea disappear down a road they are absolutely certain they must travel – even if that means they will not receive needed support from family and friends.

Judged to be eccentric by some the entrepreneur is simply focused on something they’ve been given the vision to see. They would like for you to see it too, but if you can’t it does not diminish their drive to follow the ‘what if’.

Imagine all of the things that would not be if someone had not used those two words…

What if we could use electricity to light our homes instead of candles?

What if we could find an alternative means of keeping our food cold?

What if we could develop an artificial intelligence system that responds to our requests and call it a computer?
What if we could devise a way for connections to be made worldwide through a system of computers?
What if we could make it possible for people to stay in contact when they are not at home?

‘What if’ remains a potent elixir in the battle against the status quo and as entrepreneurs hear the call of this pied piper they are finding the answers to ‘what if’ and the world stands awestruck at answers they had not expected.

Entrepreneurialism – The Job Description

Wanted: Individual willing to take a simple idea and use it to create a viable business for both personal satisfaction and long-term fulfillment.

Qualified candidate must have the ability to catch a vision and run with it without the oversight of an advisory board or supervisor.

Qualified candidate may have specific training in this idea, but it is not mandatory, however, this same candidate must be flexible and willing to adapt to a rugged on-the-job training program (manual not provided).

This job requires extremely long hours and a huge learning curve. Applicant should expect both early and late hours along with extended times when they must simply think through problem solving skills.

This position does not initially allow for candidate to fill a supervisory role nor would the candidate be required to report to a division manager or CEO.

Successful candidate should be able to withstand a certain amount of solitude and be able to make decisions as needed without undo indecisiveness. Inability to do so could prove detrimental to the future of this new company.

This position should be filled by someone willing to ride a bike blindfolded. While this is not an actual requirement of the job it is a necessary visual for the candidate to understand working conditions from time to time.

Our current business plan is inadequate to explain how candidate can successfully move from dream conception to business opening, but candidate will, nonetheless, be required to move the business forward.

Benefits are not applicable to this position in the traditional sense. Any benefits derived from taking this job will be the sole responsibility of the successful candidate.

Start up capital will also be the responsibility of the job applicant. In fact all risk will be the sole responsibility of the man or woman selected for this position.

If you feel you may be the right candidate for this position please respond at your earliest convenience. Please post your letter to the Entrepreneurial Initiative.

Does this sound like the kind of job you would willingly apply for? Probably not. Especially when the idea for job creation is someone else’s. We would not take a risk for someone else and we would not put forth the effort required for a business start up from conception onward without some personally vested interest in the outcome.

This description is, however, very close to what every entrepreneur faces when they have an idea that just won’t leave them alone. An incredible amount of time is poured into developing the idea. Every spare dollar is used in making the dream come to life without promise or guarantee.

Why will we do for ourselves what we would never do for another? Maybe because this is the heart and soul of entrepreneurialism. We may laugh at the classified ad above, but this is exactly what is required of each entrepreneur on the way to dream fulfillment.

Maybe YOU have the right stuff – maybe you should apply for the job. I hear there is an opening.

Entrepreneurialism – The Heart Guardian

Ecommerce can sometimes feel a bit like a rather gaudy carnival – lots of bright colors, blinking lights and endless rows of carnival barkers calling to you to come to their booth and try your luck. The endless list of available products is mind numbing. It can be rather daunting to come to terms with jumping into the fray of online business when it seems you will likely be just another carnival barker calling, “Step right up!”

I can understand your fears, but I also know that a good entrepreneur is more closely aligned with an actor than a traditional business owner.

An actor?

First of all, here’s what I do not mean by my previous comment. I do not mean that entrepreneurs are like actors in that they are not genuine and are simply playing a part.

Secondly, this is what I do mean by that comment. I do mean that entrepreneurs are like actors in that they both understand that their role is to sell an idea. A good actor can sell you on the idea that they ARE the character they play. A good entrepreneur takes their enthusiasm for a product, converts their enthusiasm to trust and then uses that trust to sell an idea.

The idea is not necessarily the product. The idea needs to be sold before the product becomes a viable consideration. Sometimes that means marketing to a need that may not be outwardly expressed. In essence an entrepreneur can help create a market for their product through the sheer force of their enthusiasm and determination. This dynamic duo translates to a trusting consumer base.

Your actions online are more than the cyber equivalent of selling deep friend cotton candy pickles on the midway. An entrepreneur helps the customer find something with positive takeaway value even in purchases that may seem frivolous. Help your site visitors discover the grand in the otherwise common. You can be a tour director and lead your site visitors on a trip that brings your prospect to a place of trust in YOU and your idea.

Too many people want to sell a product when they may be better off working to sell personal trust in a new idea. Instead of hawking wares they should be promoting the wonder of a new concept or idea.

I think there is a difference between an entrepreneur and a marketing expert. A marketing expert knows the tools required to sell a product while an entrepreneur possesses the passion needed to change the world in their own little way. Both are important in ecommerce, but the entrepreneur has something some marketing experts do not. They have been burdened with an idea for which passion is a prerequisite. Entrepreneurialism for these individuals is not a job it is a calling – it is more than 9-5 with paid vacation. Entrepreneurialism is something altogether unique.

A marketing expert understands the mechanics of selling – an entrepreneur guards the heart. Both are necessary, but only one can make the process undeniably human.

Entrepreneurialism – Pothole Avoidance

If you’ve ever thought of becoming an entrepreneur you should know there are dozens of online companies willing to provide assistance in helping you launch your big idea. That’s the good news.

The bad news is not all of these sources are worth the time and money you might invest. Then again, that’s a common cautionary take in all of life’s pursuits I suppose. So, where exactly does one go to learn more about starting their own business?

Certainly the access of online articles can help. This can take some quality time with a search engine, but you will likely find a great deal of information that would have been hard to locate twenty years ago.

There is one thing that is a bit ‘old school’ that could assist you in answering your questions about becoming an entrepreneur. You could simply ask someone who’s ‘been there’ for advice.

This doesn’t have to be someone directly involved with the idea you have, but simply someone who has already traverse the potholes of entrepreneurialism and lived to find continued success with their idea. Many of these individuals would welcome the opportunity to ‘talk shop’.

The whole idea of mentoring seems to be lost to the 21st century, however that doesn’t mean it is a useless idea. Interestingly, you might be able to find a mentor online if no one can be located in your immediate region.

Our 21st century world revolved around forum posts, blog posts, email and text messaging. These tools can be used to hold a conversation with one or more entrepreneurs who may be willing to share some insight into the business you are seeking to establish.

Imagine the individuals who developed the pet rock, mood rings and other pop culture gadgets of the past. Their ideas didn’t last forever, but they were able to create enough interest that, for a time, their ‘big idea’ found wings.

Entrepreneurialism is forged in the furnace of personal passion. If you believe strongly enough in your idea that passion can translate to others who can catch your vision – that vision is assisted when you have someone who can answer your questions as you get started.

Entrepreneurialism requires great patience, an eye toward the future and a solid belief in the product or service you are making available.

So search the web all you want when looking for information, but try to find someone who can be an entrepreneurial mentor to you as you take your ‘big idea’ and introduce it to reality.

Entrepreneurialism – Passion Equations

“Don’t ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go and do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” –Harold Whitman

The world in which we live is filled with frightened people. Life has a way of driving the passion for life out of us. If you are reading this because you have an interest in entrepreneurialism then you must have either spark of life or a dream demanding release. Otherwise you would not be here. Have you found an idea you love?

«To love an idea is to love it a little more than one should.» – Jean Rostand

The love of an idea is a consummate risk-taking adventure. There are no promises and failure is possible, yet an entrepreneur must abandon themselves to that place where they find an idea they love knowing that there is a spot just past research and rationalism where there is no turning back.

“Passion, though a bad regulator, is a powerful spring.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

The drive that you possess in developing a business idea is bold, noble, misunderstood and altogether powerful. The passion is bound to spring you into action. This is the place where reason must be welcomed to the party.

“If passion drives you, let reason hold the reins.” – Benjamin Franklin

Like a horse at top speed, like Rags to Riches at Belmont, the life instilling nature of the pursuit of a dream is staring at the finish line and refusing to look back. It is your ability to reason that allows you to correct and guide your passion, but only if reason is applied. If not, you may only be astride a runaway horse.

“Chase down your passion like it’s the last bus of the night.” – Glade Byron Addams

Many entrepreneurs look at their dream as the sum total of their chance at success. For some this proves true, so when you have an idea and passion agrees, run with it.

“Follow your passion, and success will follow you.” – Arthur Buddhold

Entrepreneurialism allows people to move from a place of simply existing to a place of living. It may seem a little dangerous, but it also regenerates passion in an individual’s life.

“Strong as our passions are, they may be starved into submission, and conquered without being killed.” – Charles Caleb Colton

We’ve all seen a rodeo on television. Passion without reason is a bit like bronco busting where the ride is thrilling, but short-lived. Reason without passion is more like an aging horse that has no get up and go and is simply a mode of transportation. Passion tempered with reason always stands the best chance of winning the entrepreneurial race in a way that is both fun and moving.

Entrepreneurialism – Nonconformists Urged To Apply

A non-conformist is described as one who does not conform to, or refuses to be bound by, accepted customs, or practices. In the past nonconformists may have been called troublemakers because they refused to accept a singular standard simply because it was expected. Sometimes non-conformist tendencies can get a person into trouble, but sometimes being a nonconformist can be a good thing.

How does that idea play out in entrepreneurialism?

You would think that due to the static nature of certain business techniques that being a non-conformist would be bad for business, and in a sense you would be right.

There are certain laws that must be followed if you are going to develop a business. There are also tax considerations that must be taken into account. In order to run a business you will likely require certain vendors that will expect you to conduct business in a certain way.

It would seem that being a nonconformist could be bad for business, but is there room for the maverick spirit?


There are many entrepreneurs that are reaching into their Crayon box and pulling out colors that will venture outside established lines. Of course I am speaking metaphorically. I am also speaking of something that still conforms to existing law.

Entrepreneurialism is a dynamic that works well for those who have ideas that challenge the status quo. Think about it. If your inspiration is an existing idea what is the point in pursuing what has already been done. Entrepreneurs reach out for something different and unexpected.

Of course, this has also brought about items that you may only find out about at 3 A.M. on an infomercial, but the point is you have a dream, it’s unique and sharing that dream may be difficult in the confines of Status Quoville.

You may be nonconformist in your marketing approach or in the way you advertise. You may be a nonconformist by developing a product that conventional wisdom says is either not needed or foolish. The creators of items like the Mood Ring, Pet Rocks and Chia-Pets more than likely were nonconformists. They found a product and they marketed that product even when everyone thought they were foolish.

High School Musical is a franchise that reportedly netted nearly a billion dollars with the first feature alone. This film was produced for television with a budget of around 4 million dollars. It has been reported that the soundtrack sold in excess of four million copies. Filmmaker Kenny Ortega had a dream, an idea, and he successfully brought family friendly musicals back into fashion – and made significant cash doing it.

There will be those who will not buy into your dream – don’t let that stop you from dreaming.

It’s good for entrepreneurialism to be guided a bit by a nonconformist nature. It is this very scenario that always seems to bring us the next ‘big’ thing from the mind of those who are often misunderstood because they have ideas that only they can see, but they are willing to share.

Entrepreneurialism – How To Treat Customers

There are so many things to consider when moving headlong into any entrepreneurial dream. You have to calculate risk and reward, you have to look at organization and details, you have to understand financial management, and you need to know how to develop and express your dream. These can be daunting tasks.

Because there is so much riding on the success or failure of your entrepreneurial dream it can also be easy to fall into a trap of ‘win at all costs’. What this means is you ultimately choose to do whatever you think you need to do to succeed.

By all means you should develop a strong business and marketing plan. You should work at customer service and have a solid plan for growth. However, the problem often expresses itself most in the intense drive or even obsession in climbing the success ladder.

Work to develop better than average ethics in the execution of your business. Your business ethics are a strong statement about you and ultimately your business. By treating customers better than you have to you will likely find your efforts will be rewarded through addition sales or passing on information about you to others within their sphere of influence.

If you think you might need some help in developing a strong business ethic ask a trusted business associate for help. You might even consider asking someone to be an accountability partner. This individual would ask you tough questions about how you are managing your business and if your ethics remain intact. This step should only be done if you are serious about keeping high standards for your business.

Individuals can become very defensive if they have an accountability partner and are not especially interested in answering the tough questions.

By treating your customers the way you want to be treated you will find a greater sense of loyalty to your online entrepreneurial efforts. There are fewer and fewer companies who understand the benefits of considering the needs of the customer first.

This is why knowledge-based content is so important to a website, along with exceptional follow-up and follow through. If customers feel like they are a bother if they have to approach you about a failed product after the sale, you may need to work on follow-up and follow through.

The old saying, “You only have one chance to make a good first impression,” holds a lot of truth. Make sure your first impression is the best possible.

Entrepreneurialism – Facing The Fear Factor

What is it that stops someone from pursuing a dream?


Fear is a great debilitator in the world of entrepreneurialism. It is fear that causes us to halt when we need to step forward. It is fear that views any risk as an insurmountable obstacle. It is fear that will keep the ‘dream’ alive only in the most private of thoughts.

Eleanor Roosevelt once said, “You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing which you think you cannot do.”

Eleanor spoke very wisely when she encouraged others to look fear in the face. So often we have the tendency to recognize fear and then allow that fear to grow until we can hardly breathe when thinking about it.

Mrs. Roosevelt also provided the same encouragement expressed by Nike – Just Do It. She made no attempt to minimize the fear we may experience, she simply provided a bold declaration that there is something waiting beyond the fear if we will move through the thing that instills fear to the other side where we are likely to find courage and success.

Fear is not a rational thing. You cannot explain it away, but you can look for the truth about what you fear the most. In entrepreneurialism this can be accomplished by asking questions of those who have developed a business of their own. It can also be accomplished by researching the risks involved in business ownership. Once these steps are taken you may need to ask an unbiased, yet trusted, source to help you honestly understand your strengths and weaknesses to determine if you can face your fear with a strong chance of success.

It is interesting to note that often we fail to trust ourselves enough to make a determination on our abilities to do something.

If you don’t have someone you can talk with to determine the truth about the fears you may have when contemplating an entrepreneurial effort you can always begin by taking a notebook and listing your strengths and weaknesses. You can follow that up by identifying the pros and cons of business ownership. Write a letter to yourself about the fears you have and try to determine how much truth there is to the fears you’ve expressed.

Entrepreneurialism does require a certain amount of risk and risk can instill a certain amount of fear. You should always seek the truth about yourself and face your fears one at a time. With each small victory you come closer to gaining what Eleanor Roosevelt described as “Strength, courage and confidence by every experience.”

Entrepreneurialism – A Walk In The Dark

When you chart a course for entrepreneurialism the experience can be exhilarating, stressful, encouraging, discouraging, promising or filled with pitfalls. And the way you would describe your feelings can change moment to moment.

The above roller coaster description is one of the reasons some individuals feel entrepreneurialism is something they would like to pursue, but apprehension hangs over the possibility like a black cloud.

One of the best ways I can describe the experience of an entrepreneur is being shown a beautiful mountaintop with fresh springs and peaceful meadows. You want to get to that mountaintop, you desire to drink from those fresh springs and enjoy moments of tranquility in the meadow. In that moment you are ready to sign up for the adventure.

You’re ready to go, but the tour director tells you to wait just a little bit longer. By the time you get the go ahead it’s dark outside. The only thing you have to guide you is the memory of the destination and a flashlight.

You point the flashlight in the direction of the mountaintop, but the darkness swallows the light. You look nervously at the tour director and he encourages you to start your journey.

Just as you’re ready to quit and go home, the tour director says, “Point the flashlight toward your feet. It will light just enough so you know where to put your next step.”

In many ways this is the picture of what it is like to become an entrepreneur. You have seen the place you want to go, but the darkness of how to get there can throw you off track. When you deal with issues one at a time it’s a lot like pointing the flashlight at your feet so you can see where to step next.

The memory of where you want to go is the motivation that keeps you moving forward, and when morning comes you can see how far you’ve come.

Entrepreneurialism is the fine art of looking at the unknown and deciding it’s worth the effort to become friends.

There really is an element of faith involved in the pursuit of entrepreneurialism. It takes believing in yourself, believing in an idea and believing that the effort is worth it.

If you are in the midst of pursuing an entrepreneurial goal let me offer this encouragement, if you can keep the end goal in mind and keep making steps toward your goal you have done something many haven’t. Others may see the mountain, they may dream about the springs and meadows, but darkness is frightening and it’s easier to do nothing than take a step into the unknown.

Entrepreneurialism – A Duck By Any Different Color

There once was an ugly duckling with feathers all stubby and brown. He didn’t realize he would one day be a swan so any face-to-face marketing technique he ever used ultimately resulted in widespread ridicule. This of course led the duck/swan to venture away from his family (who also considered him a bit of an odd duck).

Everywhere the duck went he was ridiculed and chased away from other better established (and finely groomed) business fowl.

Then one day while staying at the Blind Pigeon’s Inn he discovered the Internet (free with the weekly rate). The Ugly Duckling had a wealth of work experience in his first few weeks of life so he started a business catering to the camouflage needs of waterfowl during hunting season.

Much to his surprise and delight, orders began arriving and he became very busy. The Ugly Duckling was a regular at the Waterfowl Post Office and his profits grew to the point where the Ugly Duckling bought the Blind Pigeon’s Inn and made it his corporate offices and product warehouse.

He was nervous when Bird Entrepreneur magazine called to see if he would agree to a beak-to-beak interview. He had previously put them off because he was certain they would find his appearance distasteful. When they arrived, Spanky Duckmeister continued to snap photos. The interview went very well and Ugly Duckling was happy to receive his complimentary copy of Bird Entrepreneurs although the publisher must have replaced his photo with a creature far more beautiful than he.

In time the Ugly Duckling (now a glorious swan) would come to understand that time had changed his appearance and his entrepreneurial spirit found ultimate freedom online. He always wondered if it was the entrepreneurialism that changed his appearance or simply gave him the confidence he needed for others to see him differently.

The truth is entrepreneurialism won’t change your appearance, but an online business does not discriminate either. Individuals of all ethnicities and ages have discovered the entrepreneurial spirit may be less difficult than starting a business in a brick and mortar store.

Most online stores begin because the entrepreneur has a passion for the product or service being offered. Like our fictional storybook hero it was something that he had a personal use for that resulted in a successful business and with his growing success came a confidence, with that confidence came respect from others who had taken notice of his success.

In the end it really didn’t matter what he looked like, where he lived or how old he was. All that really mattered was that the Ugly Duckling understood the needs of his fowl-feathered friends.

There’s a lesson to be learned from this story – and it’s not about ducks. Where can your personal passion take you in online business?

Entrepreneurial Ideas

Popular Entrepreneurial Ideas that Does Not Work.

There are so many reasons why people want to start out a business as there are as many reasons why people are afraid to get into it. For some, it is because of the perceived enormous risks, especially to the uninitiated, although to many it is the lure of a changed lifestyle, a feeling of independence and lets face it, the opportunity of better income and when done right, even wealth.

The greatest difficulty though is the starting.

Although at the outset, most potential entrepreneurs would never dream of failing, the facts though would eventually seep in.

We have often been told that 90% of businesses fail during the first year of operation and only a small percentage of the remaining ten-percent really make it.

There are many reasons for these failures. It would then be smart to look closely into these failed entrepreneurial ideas and take lessons as to why businesses fails if one is to increase the chances at succeeding. Some examples of failed entrepreneurial ideas are:

§ Discover your passions and make a business out of it.
Nothing worthwhile in this world has really been achieved without passion and this is very true. However, there have been a lot of businesses built on a passionate desire to sell what one truly believes in that did not make it. Why? Because for all the passion built into it, the market is not primed for it. Another thing is…

§ Over projection.
Enthusiasm is required if one is to succeed at any endeavor. It is the fuel that fires a person up. It is the motivation that serves as the driving force to start out into a direction and the energy that could supply the individual as the direction is taken. It is also the source, sadly, of frustration.

§ Getting into a business that has been proven to succeed.
Let me site an example. When Internet was just starting, someone in my neighborhood started an internet shop. It did very well and so as with anything that goes well, someone started picking the idea up and opened a shop. It did okay and the idea caught fire. Soon another opened up. As could be expected, the shops started competing for the customers and prices were driven down. Soon afterwards, everyone has access to the Internet and most of the shops eventually closed. Get the idea?

Another example of an entrepreneurial idea that could seriously go wrong is getting into a similar business that someone has done successfully. Make a careful study because unbeknownst to you, you could be getting into a business that has better resources, is better funded, is a niche market that could produce goods faster, cheaper and of better quality. When you get into these niche businesses, you are already on an uphill climb the moment you start.

Even granting that the business that you are getting into is at par with what you have, you could be drawn to a constant head to head battle and when that is done, margins will be the first to suffer.

§ Getting into a business for very strong profit motive. Now, what could be wrong with that? Ask any seasoned businessman and he’ll say everything. For one, marketing, merchandising and communication and other goodwill support that is so vital in making your goods compete in the marketplace could already suffer even at the start.

What could be done then?

Take stock of what you have and of what you are. There are things and characteristics unique in each of us that could be trimmed and tapered to the needs of the marketplace. This may be to simplistic but introspection is the first step. You are as different as the person sitting next to you. Surely there is something that only you could do best and in a unique manner that could be offered. Yes. This is another way of saying being passionate about what you do but take a step farther. What is it that will rub your passion on other people. Said another way, will other people really want to buy it? Or how would you make the market to want what you are offering? How would you make them react favorably?

Study, study and study some more. Know your competition and your market well. Do not underestimate the cost nor over project the sales. Nothing is really that new in today’s marketplace. Only the approaches and the processes could differ which could spell a marked difference when you put your personality into it and not someone else who have succeeded before you.

There is a sufficient supply of good books that are immediate for practical business application out there. Many times, when potentially good ideas fail, it could be because the person did not take that much time in discussing the ideas with someone else who is in the know and could be downright honest. It could also result from not coming out with a good business plan or has not taken that much investment at self-discovery and a myriad of other little things.

Finally, do not do things if the only reason that tempts you to do it is the profit motive. You could end up doing things you do not want to do which will not give you the energy required to stick to it.

For other things, there are online schools that could help you gain a better head start and help increase your chances at executing your entrepreneurial ideas.

Entrepreneurial Transitions

Once you undertake the development of a business you utilize a variety of entrepreneurial skills. You find yourself working hard to keep things going, but there’s a real sense of satisfaction in the work.

Recently I was told of a woman who had started her twenty-first business. In each case the business was related to cooking. The good news was this woman was a capable businesswoman and an excellent cook.

The problem for this woman was that she got tired of running a business very easily. She would get a business established and grow weary of the day-to-day grind and would set a date to close the doors. Her husband was a carpenter and had systematically refurbished twenty separate properties for his wife’s business ventures.

This woman recently started a coffee shop with a variety of baked goods for sale. The business hadn’t been open 3 months when a separate coffee shop opened in the same retail complex. When she discovered the new business she threw her hands up in despair and asked the owner of the second shop if she could come to work for her.

You see, there is an invisible wall that is sometimes difficult to overcome. That wall is moving beyond the difficult work of day-to-day business where you are needed in the monitoring of all aspects of the business. Some, like the lady in our story, simply get tired and go home to regroup their strength for a later attempt. Others will find ways to derive income that does not rely on their own efforts. These are the entrepreneurs that more easily move forward.

Passive Income

If you are a store that specializes in a product you have created, the sale of items that are available from other suppliers can provide income that is your simply because you supplied shelf space.

The sale of insurance provides a means of deriving an income based on commissions that require little attention from you.

The use of affiliate programs can allow others to sell your products and provide you with an income on something you were not actively involved in selling.

The development of passive income is important to entrepreneurs because if you attempt to develop revenue exclusively on your own then your revenue stream goes dry the minute you need time off.

Someone once said, “Work smarter, not harder.” That’s especially true as you continue to develop your business. Seek ways to allow others to help you sell and market your goods and services. This likely means there will be salespeople working at selling your business even when you’ve left the building for a much needed day off.

Entrepreneurial Research And Testing

«Experience is that marvelous thing that enables you to recognize a mistake when you make it again.» – Franklin P. Jones

Becoming an entrepreneur is about taking an idea and making a successful business from the sale of the idea. If the idea is a product, the sale of the product will require more than simple creativity and innovation.

“An expert is a person who has made all the mistakes that can be made in a very narrow field.” – Niels Bohr

In the 1980’s a father in Wyoming created a product for his daughter to play with. The invention consisted of a wheel that was roughly the size of a toy wagon wheel. A separate pole with a stabilizing device attached was used to keep the wheel upright and balanced. This invention provided hours of amusement for his daughter, but when he tried to develop a business selling the product he discovered there was absolutely no market for it. This same gentleman also attempted to prove the viability of the manufacture of cement brickettes as a cost effective substitute for lava rocks in gas grills. He rejected the idea when after a few grillings the cement literally exploded causing the destruction of his grill as well as a steak dinner.

The above is an example of a couple of failures in entrepreneurialism. Consider the above glimpse as an argument for marketing research and testing.

“Strong people make as many mistakes as weak people. Difference is that strong people admit their mistakes, laugh at them, learn from them. That is how they become strong.” – Richard Needham

The perfect entrepreneurial scenario would be to provide a solution to an underserved market where demand exceeds existing supply or to be the first to meet an emerging demand. In either case there needs to be a significant amount of market research to determine the longevity of anticipated demand along with the reliability of the solution you are offering.

Imagine if the cement brickettes were marketed and sold only to have the flaw discovered when someone was injured from cement shrapnel.

So much goes into the development of a business idea and you have to have a solid business plan in mind in order to get funding. It only makes sense to be sure you have completed all the needed research to assure both your banker as well as yourself that the product or service you are offering will provide benefits that will meet demands and provide success for all involved.

Entrepreneurial Myths

If you are about to start off in business you will have no doubt heard these comments:
“So many businesses fail. Why are you doing this?”
“I hear that you need a large amount of money to get a business off the ground these days.”
“Why are you throwing away the security of your job?”

These, and more of the same, are typical of the barriers that so called friends and advisors, put in your way if you are thinking of starting a business. These barriers are built on the back of myths about the pitfalls and challenges which surround running your own business.

In this article, we’ll take a look at some of these myths and reveal them to be exactly that … just myths! Don’t get me wrong, being an entrepreneur can be tough and there are hurdles to cross, but let’s bring some common sense into the debate!

You Don’t Have a Personal Life

Yes you will! It can be hard juggling the responsibilities of running your own business and spending time with the family, but at the end of the day, you are going to have far more flexibility with your personal life, than any employee will ever have. The real issue is, do you have the time management and planning skills to get things done, thereby allowing you time to spend with your family.

You Have To Be Cunning and Ruthless To Be a Successful Entrepreneur

Ok, it may help you in the short term but this is not a sound, long term strategy. To be a successful entrepreneur you need to build relationships with both customers and suppliers who will stick by you during the rough times. Being ruthless over pricing may get you one or two good deals but you are unlikely to build a lasting and profitable relationship. Your aim should be to strike a balance between what you want and what your customer or supplier wants.

You Won’t Have To Work As Hard

Your current job may be stressful and subject you to long hours. The idea of running your own business is appealing because you can slow down and take life at your own pace. To a degree this is true but there’s no getting away from the fact that it will be hard work. Most small businesses don’t achieve profitability until year 3 and so it’s a long slog. Remember, if was easy, everyone would be doing it!

What does make the difference though, is that you are finally doing something you love and so the hours and the struggles don’t seem like hard work at all. So perhaps this myth may be true after all!

You Have To Have an Original Idea

No you don’t. Most businesses are built around a central idea. The difference is usually how it’s delivered. The core products of all fast food places are the same, as are clothes shops, newsagents etc. You can make a decent living effectively copying someone else’s idea but done in a slightly different way. Don’t be put off by the doomsayers who will gleefully point out that “it’s been done before”. Your response should be, ‘Great! That shows the idea works!”

You Will Be Your Own Boss

No way! There’s only one boss in your new business … the customer. They are essential to your success. When you were working for that large, faceless Corporation, the loss of the odd client wasn’t that big a deal – plenty more where they came from.

In your new world you have to do whatever it takes to keep your customers and keep them happy. The customer is the one who calls the tunes. You have to listen and take note, before someone else does. However, at the end of the day, when all their demands are met, then perhaps you can have some time to yourself and enjoy the pleasures of being your own boss after all!

You Need A lot Of Money To Get a Business Off The Ground

Some businesses do need a fair bit of cash to get moving but there are many areas you can go into without the need to invest in a large amount of stock, machinery or equipment. The low-capital businesses involve the use of three very cheap commodities – your brain power, your knowledge and your time.

A business where you sell your expertise, not actual goods, to other people can be cheaply set up and carry high profit margins. All you may need is a PC, a desk and a telephone line. What’s stopping you?

You Only Have To Do What You Want To Do

Unfortunately this myth is wrong. We all have areas or skills in which we excel and it’s this expertise which usually forms the basis of your business. Your dedication to paperwork, bank statements and the VAT man may not be that high, but branching out on your own doesn’t mean you have the choice to avoid these terrible tasks.

Whilst you were able to do this when you were sitting in the big corporate office, you can no longer hide. These tasks have to be done otherwise the deck of cards can start to collapse.

If you do have serious misgivings on certain areas, marketing for example, then consider taking a course to improve your skills. If it’s something you seriously can’t do, then go and find someone to do it for you – don’t hope it will go away because it won’t.

You will have seen that some of the myths not being true is good news and others not so good news! Be sensible in considering the myths which are thrown at you. See it for what they are – comments from people who don’t know what they are talking about! In the next issue I’ll have some more myth-busting ideas for you.

Entrepreneurial Icon Sponsors Prepaid MasterCard

If there ever was a living, breathing version of the American Dream, it would be Farrah Gray.

A self-made millionaire by age 14, Gray is now an internationally known and respected entrepreneur and business leader who addresses more than half a million people per year on topics such as leadership, personal development, diversity, business development and financial management.

His newest venture, with First Premier Bank and Diamond Financial Products, is the «goFarr» card, a prepaid MasterCard featuring his likeness. The card is designed to increase financial literacy and freedom for those without a credit history or who are unable to get access to a line of credit.

Because the card is prepaid, there are no interest payments, credit checks or employment requirements, and unlike most prepaid cards, the goFarr card has no monthly fees. It can be used anywhere debit MasterCard is accepted, including ATMs, and cardholders can use the card to pay bills online or get employers to do a direct deposit onto the card.

Cardholders can monitor when, where and how much they spend 24 hours a day through Web and telephone access to account information. They soon will also get financial tips from Gray through live chats, podcasts and e-mail discussions.

«When I look at the fact that one-quarter of 18- to 24-year-olds are ‘un-banked,’ I see that it is also a problem that plagues low-income people of all ages,» Gray said. «This card can be an empowering tool that will instill valuable budgeting habits and responsible money-management skills.»

Gray became an entrepreneur at age 6, selling body lotion door-to-door. At age 7, he carried a business card that read «21st Century CEO.» At 13, he started Farr-Out Foods, a specialty foods company in New York. He became a published author at 19 with his financial self-help book «Reallionaire.»

«Farrah Gray is one of the great business minds and icons of his generation,» said Keith Byrd, chief operating officer of Diamond Financial Products. «At the age of 21, he has achieved more than many achieve in a lifetime. To those who become cardholders and are able to access financial advice from Farrah Gray, you too have the possibility to ‘goFarr.'»

Entrepreneurial Holiday Guilt for Creative Professionals

Guilt, guilt, guilt. Guilt is a terrible feeling and is often self-inflicted by creative entrepreneurs, especially during the holidays.

Most people who work for themselves say they chose to do so because they wanted to «control their time.» People who value time over money, recognize that time is a precious commodity that cannot be created, bought, or borrowed. You have to use it wisely or else it is gone.

Having the luxury to control how, with whom, and where you spend your time is one of the bonuses of working for yourself. So, why is it that an overwhelming number of female entrepreneurs also say they feel guilty when they are not working on their businesses or with a client between the hours of 9 am to 5 pm?

To be truly happy and successful as an entrepreneur, you must break the corporate-created walls of time and learn how to set your day according to your needs and the needs of your clients. There is no law chaining you to your desk eight hours a day between 9 am and 5 pm.

Here’s my advice: stop feeling guilty about when you are working and when you are not, and ditch the idea of playing by rules set up by other organizations. Make sure you benefit from the freedoms of entrepreneurship and maximize your time by performing regular activities such as food shopping at off times like 10 am on a Tuesday or having your teeth cleaned at 2pm on a Monday. You will spend less time waiting in line, you will be less stressed, and actually have more time to devote to your clients and other activities, then if you went on a weekend or during a busier time.

Of course, be sure to take a day or two off completely during the holidays to go gift shopping, ice-skating, or for decorating your home. Give yourself permission to enjoy your life and do something for yourself, even if it is on a week day between nine and five. You deserve it.

Happy holidays!

Entrepreneurial Failure

To be a successful entrepreneur you are going to have to learn to deal with failure. There is no way around it. Thomas Edison tried over ten thousand different experiments before he finally demonstrated the first incandescent light bulb on October 21, 1879. Bill Gates’ first company, Traf-O-Data, was a failure. Michael Jordan was once quoted as saying: «I’ve missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot; And missed. I’ve failed over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.»

In my short stint as an entrepreneur I’ve failed more times than I can count. I have also had my share of success, but it’s not even close to equal. The failures far outweigh the successes, and I’m sure I have a lot more failure ahead of me. I’m OK with that because I know that as soon as I stop failing, I have stopped trying to innovate. It’s the nature of the business of being an entrepreneur, and of success in general.

If it were easy, everyone would do it. It is naive to think that every good idea that you have will result in a successful business venture. I have yet to hear an entrepreneur say «every single idea I come up with seems to work.» More likely, you hear something like «I failed at my first five businesses before this one took off.»

Think about that for a second. Five businesses. Sometimes the number is three, sometimes it’s 20, but the important point is that most entrepreneurs don’t hit a home-run with their first company. It really does amaze me – how many people have the stones to fail five times and still start a sixth business? You have to be supremely confident and treat those previous five times as a learning experience for the sixth. And if number six fails, you have to do the same and move on to number seven.

In my opinion, the most important thing is how you deal with failure. Once you accept that it’s inevitable, you are able to learn from your mistakes and move on. It’s easy to let the failure consume you – not so much because you are pessimistic, but more so because it is hard to see something that you poured your heart and soul into be ignored or rejected. As soon as possible you need to come to the realization that your business is what they are ignoring or rejecting, NOT you. The sooner you do that, the sooner you can objectively analyze why you failed and learn the things necessary for improvement in the future.

Failure isn’t easy and is extremely frustrating, but it’s a necessary part of success. Don’t believe me? Ask Thomas Edison, Bill Gates or Michael Jordan! Ok, asking Thomas Edison might be a little tough, but you get the idea 🙂


Traits to Manifest Towards a Successful Entrepreneurial Venture

Do you know why a lot of entrepreneurs succeed with their businesses? Well honestly, they’ve got positive traits that aid them in their success. So, do you have them too?

Almost every successful entrepreneur when asked about their acclaimed success would merit the deed to their attitude. They will surely tell you that it is all about attitude. Yes, it is all about nothing but positive traits to get an entrepreneur going in the business. The real sense of business has changed in meaning and in phase all throughout the years.

Let us credit it to the advanced technology that we are all enjoying these days. Computers—they are all around. With the computers come the internet and the power of the web so as with the email and web pages. The telephone system has likewise changed over time which includes the advantages brought about by voice mails and cell phones.

Now these technological aids are only mediums that make the flow of businesses in smooth transition. Nothing and no one can ever disregard the importance of the positive traits imbued in a person which makes a successful entrepreneurial possible by all means.

Are you then a budding entrepreneur? Do you think you will be capable of dealing with all of the advents alongside entrepreneurial ventures? Then read on so you will learn how to assess your personality and if you’ve got the needed traits of a potential entrepreneur.

Would-be-entrepreneurs must know how to set goals. Now the setting of these goals starts at the tender age of an individual. One’s being a youngster needs to be coupled with discipline in the setting of future goals.

The building up of these traits is usually influenced by the factors such as the parents and the educators. For people who do not belong to the upper class, they are able to realize that when they want something which they know their parents would not be able to afford, they will surely work for it in their own little ways.

When it comes to entrepreneurial, the person is aware that the decision-making lies in his own hands so he will likely turn out to be very responsible.

After the goals have been set, a thorough working out of it is needed. What are goals if they will not be materialized? In order to reach these goals, a person must strive hard and learn the craft of organization, discipline, and risk-taking.

Next, one who has the dream of venturing into entrepreneurial knows how to assess his own strengths and weaknesses. What are you good at? What can you do? What are you capable of giving out in the business? On the other hand, what are your usual failures? What shortcomings are you prone to be subjected to? When entering into any form of entrepreneurial, facing one’s fears cannot be set aside. One must be open to all possibilities in the phase of the business industry.

An entrepreneur must have a nose for business opportunities. What is most likely to be appreciated by the customers? What trend is hot in the business? The truth is that newbie and oldies in line of entrepreneurial must not stop seeking for opportunities and possibilities that will work best in today’s current time.

After such opportunity has been spotted, an entrepreneur must grab such chance and make the best out of it. Talk about taking advantage! There is always that competition which cannot be rid of but then one’s success in business is always measured by the realization and materialization of the set up goals.

Entrepreneurial also equates with the ability of being able to efficiently manage and handle every little thing concerning finances and budgets. When one is unable to control the outflow and inflow of the finances, then the business may be up to closure in no time at all.

Entrepreneurs must know how to recognize the first best. Any opportunity is worked out to turn out to be the best in the area. Experiencing fun in whatever endeavor is always vital for a successful entrepreneur. Entrepreneurs also know the time when they need to seek for help. They are no super heroes so they also need aids from other people.

The question now is, do you have such traits? Will you also be a tailor-made entrepreneur someday?

Traits of a Successful Entrepreneur

Have you ever wondered why some entrepreneurs succeed and why some do not? Have you ever thought of the things that would make one the best entrepreneurs in a chosen field?

For the lucky some, owning a business might run on their veins but for the most who are just common people with a high desire to start a business of your own, then, careful evaluation and extra time on studying the nature and principles of entrepreneurship is a must. However, this doesn’t mean that an individual who want to become an entrepreneur should have a thorough background on these nature and principles.

Whether you are conscious about it or not, success and failure always depend on the entrepreneur. You want to know what are those? Here are the traits of a successful entrepreneur:

Goal oriented

Whether short term or long term, successful entrepreneur never misses to set his goal.

This trait can be developed at a very young age. For instance, a child set academic goals for himself or set a specific timeframe to achieve something. Say, for example, the child’s parents cannot afford to buy him a toy he wanted. He will try to get this toy by saving money or making money for himself. When he grows up, he carries this trait in doing business. This same child is more likely to become successful for he knows how to get certain things he wants to.

But it does not stop there, successful entrepreneur knows how to revise or rewrite his goals whenever he thinks that there is something that needs to be changed.

Opportunity seeker

An entrepreneur knows how to search for opportunities. It may be an opportunity to earn more or to learn further. He will not settle on the things that exist around him. He knows how to find opportunities that may not be visible for most people.

Taking advantage of these opportunities

Once he has found opportunities, he knows how to take advantage of them. But it does not mean that he will become impulsive for he knows how to identify what type of opportunity will give him benefits. He will ask himself these questions: Will it bring more good than harm? Is it worth the time and money? Will it be able to help me reach my set goals?

Knows his strengths and weakness

Another good trait of a successful entrepreneur is knowing his strengths and weaknesses. This type of trait will enable him to define his limits and knows how to extend his limits. He knows the borderlines but knows how to keep the borderlines expanding. An individual who does not know his strengths and weaknesses is like a person facing a mirror without clearly seeing his face. A successful entrepreneur sees his face clearly on the mirror and recognizes his imperfection. He would then polish his imperfections and covert them to something that would benefit him because a successful entrepreneur does not only know his strengths and weakness, he also recognizes these as parts of his personhood.

Always wants to be the best

A successful entrepreneur does not settle for the second best. He always finds ways how to be the best in his craft. With the help of his recognition of his strengths and weaknesses, he will achieve what others might not achieve. He has a certain attention to detail and quality. He would as much as possible treat all costumers the same.

Enjoys what he does and knows how to enjoy as well

A successful entrepreneur loves his work and enjoys what he is doing. He would not be successful if he does not enjoy his business. On the other hand, he does not make his business his life. He knows how to rest once in a while to enjoy life itself.

Knows when to get help

A successful entrepreneur recognizes that he could not do some things alone. He knows that he needs a hand in order to get things right. He knows and respects other’s view on matters regarding his business. They do this to minimize the risk of committing mistakes. He knows what are the type of person that is right for the job.

Entrepreneur Home Business

Entrepreneur: Starting a Home-Based Business

Home-based works are becoming more and more popular these days. Moms who want to spend more time attending their children and taking care of the house enter this type of business. Dads who can give up the time they spend at the office are starting to convert their home as workplace. And of course, many companies are starting to welcome out-based employees on their payroll. But then you ask: How do you start a home-based business on your own?

This article aims to answer this single and most important question.

When starting something, you should know what is that something your should start. In the case of home-based business, you should start with identifying what type of business that fits you.

In doing this, you need to know your interest. Since you will be spending most of your time at home, your lifestyle would change with a great tendency that you will live in monotony. And this is the dangerous part of home-based business. What you should do is to know what are the things you are good at and what are the things you would love to do over and over again. This will lay the ground on deciding what type of home-based business is right for you.

Weigh on your interest, skill, and talent. Obviously these are 3 different things. Talents are inert while skill is something you know how to do. Interest on the other hand is that thing you want to do. To put it on other terms, talent is passive, skill is active, and interest is both active and passive. If you work out that these 3 will compensate one another, then you are one step ahead in realizing your home-based business.

How to put all these 3 together is completely up to you. As a tip, you can create a short list of the things you love to do. Make sure you make plenty of them so that you can arrive at something you really want. Same thing goes with you talents and your skills. If you have a particular business in mind, you can still make lists of your interests, skills, and talents. This will give you better chances of arriving a he best type of home-based business for you and not on the thing that first popped-out of your mind.

Putting them together is like this: You have a great interest in reading while you have the talent in writing and your skill is putting ideas on paper. All these would become one if you decide to become a writer or translator. This will also apply on other home-based jobs such as catering services, home renovation services, cleaning services, consultancy and more.

Be reminded that coming up with a particular type of business does not mean you have already created one. You should still have to evaluate further if you are up to the nature of the business. In other words: put your idea to the test.

For example, if the type of business involves staying in front of the computer for more than 8 hours a day or speaking to a lot of people everyday, then you have to determine if you can carry the task.

Study the profitability of the business you are venturing in. Draw up a business plan to determine this. Assess the outcome of the plan and make sure you redraw another one if you find things you need to change.

Make sure that you run smoothly on the early stage of your business. Committing mistakes would cost you too much both on time and money invested. If all the day’s work will prove nothing, then you might have to change not the business, but the plan.

If you happen to fail on your initial try, never think of starting all over again. This is the worst mistake an entrepreneur would commit. Sadly, this is the most common thing that would happen in case the business fails. Just learn to move on and start where you have left off. Experience is the best teacher right? So all you have to do is to make sure that you will never have to repeat the same mistake you have committed.

Entrepreneur Home Based Business

The Advantages of a Home Based Business to Entrepreneurs

Trials and hardships are what the budding entrepreneur always expects to encounter. No entrepreneur really expects to begin at the top, right? Anyway, even those lucky enough to be born rich face a lot of challenges when they decide to become entrepreneurs. For one thing, being born rich doesn’t really equal being born with the talents of an entrepreneur of the year.

How do entrepreneurs get started? Well, there are a number of ways that you can get a business off the ground. There are a number of opportunities out there for people to use their entrepreneurial skills.

Actually, more and more people are finding that the market is really hard to penetrate if you are competing against a major corporation. But have no fear; all you need to do is contact the right people in order to succeed in the world of entrepreneurship. Contacting other people means you have to get your resources in a manner that would make using them effectively easier for you.

Definitely, more and more people are finding out that home based businesses are the best way for an entrepreneur to go. Funding is not really a problem since lots of financing companies would be happy to lend you the money you need in order to get your business rolling. Exactly how do you get funding?

Going to financial companies, you might want to bring along a business plan and projected financial statements to show that your business is something worth investing in. Home based businesses of entrepreneurs often attract financiers if they have a good solid plan that can get them back their money quickly.

In that light, you can say that a solid business plan (and some collateral) is all you need to get your venture off the ground. Just remember not to be tricked by financing companies with too high interest rtes and too much service charges.

Knowing about how entrepreneurs run home based businesses is essential to your success. Learning about entrepreneurial techniques with your business in the line can prove costly. Most people research on different things that can help them before they actually start a venture. Naturally, ventures can face a lot of problems on the first year of operation and it helps to be prepared.

Of course, home based businesses of entrepreneurs have to face the problem of gaining a customer base. Popularity t this stage is easy to get through word-of-mouth. Quitting can be a very tempting option if you face problems. Rest assured, you will get through this stage if you find the will within yourself. Several people actually find that the first year of operating an entrepreneur’s home based business can be the true test of your skills.

Time will come when you realize that the hardest part of your business actually proved to be the most satisfying for you.

Understanding the way people think is a crucial part of success. Ventures succeed not because of their products, but the way people react to those selling the products. What you need to do is to study the community around you and understand what makes them tick. X-ray vision, of course, is out of the question. You need to get inside their shoes and see what they need that an entrepreneur’s home based.

Zen-like calmness of the mind can definitely help you with making decisions without giving in to the panic you will experience when running your own home based business.

Another thing you might want to think about is whether or not you can compete in the market. Basically, it’s hard to introduce a home based business if the entrepreneur has no connections. Competing with the big names in the business should not be your priority yet. Don’t take your defeats too hard. Far too many businesses have gone down because the owners can’t get up when they fall down. Greatness comes from inside.

Home based businesses are preferred by entrepreneurs because they require the least capital. In most cases of home based businesses, you require very little capital as you don’t really have to rent office space. Just think about all of the money you will be able to save by bringing your business home.

Entrepreneur Franchise Opportunity

The Value of Franchise Opportunities to Entrepreneurs

Congratulations for being one of the people who have realized what it would really take to succeed in this world. What does this mean? Well, you are one of the people who have realized the fact that entrepreneurship is the true answer to success.

Most people nowadays think that the only way they can succeed in life is to go to a good school, graduate, get a job, and get promoted until they are at the top of the company. Well, here’s some news for you: even executives do have some people to answer to.

The ones truly at the top of the corporate chain of command are the ones who started the business in the first place: entrepreneurs. You see, entrepreneurship offers you the chance to be the boss. Entrepreneurs get the real money while executives get salaries.

But how do you get to be an entrepreneur? Well, you’ll need to resolve yourself and make a decision to take a risk. What you need to do is start your own business and strive to be the best.

If you think about it, you will realize that Bill Gates had to start somewhere, didn’t he? You need to start somewhere too. Most entrepreneurs open up small size businesses. These businesses often cater to their immediate community. However, these types of businesses rarely become big. In fact, most businesses like these often die out with their owner.

Another disadvantage with businesses like this is the fact that the risk factor of failure is much greater. By starting your own business, you will have to establish a name and reputation, something that isn’t really done easily or quickly.

So, most entrepreneurs turn to franchising opportunities in order to get their business going. Franchise opportunities help entrepreneurs by providing them with the name and reputation that comes with a big corporation. Franchise opportunities help entrepreneurs get started in the world of business.

Inexperience is often the downfall of entrepreneurs. Most do not realize the complexities of running your own show. Franchising opportunities help entrepreneurs by giving them direction on how to do business their way. This means that you will be able to get tips straight from those who have already made it.

Franchise opportunities, to entrepreneurs, are keys that can help them penetrate a market ruled by big names. You see, these big names have established themselves long ago and trying to compete with them would be next to impossible.

Here’s a story of how a franchise opportunity transformed one man’s dreams. If you watch discovery channel, you’ll probably have encountered this name: Tony Tan.

Tony Tan was fresh out of college and worried about money. During a field trip to an ice cream factory, he happened to notice a franchise opportunity for the ice cream. Being very business-minded, he took that franchise opportunity and opened up his own ice cream shop.

When he opened his business, it was during the summer. Naturally, many customers came and business grew. During the rainy season, however, nobody bought ice cream, so he thought of serving burgers and snacks. These burgers soon had people flocking from all over, and his business grew and grew. Now, his food chain, Jollibee, is actually dominating McDonald’s in the Asian market. He won the Ernst and Young Entrepreneur of the World award in 2004.

If you doubt this information, you can actually research «Tony Tan» or «Jollibee» in the internet, and you’ll see how and ice cream franchise opportunity led this entrepreneur to compete with the golden arches.

And that is one example of how franchise opportunities help entrepreneurs.

How do entrepreneurs choose franchise opportunities?

Well, there are a number of considerations. First of all, there’s the question of capitalization. Exactly how much cash do you need to get a franchise? Then, there’s the question of profit: How much will you make by using the franchise?

Another question would involve the legal freedom by which you are able to use the company name. Questions also involve the amount of help you might get if you avail of the franchise opportunity.

As an entrepreneur, you should study the different factors of a franchise opportunity before taking advantage of it. After all, even though you have to take risks, you have to have assurances, right?

Entrepreneur Doing Business and More

Central to running Entreprenuer is to reach out to entrepreneurs from all facets of business. It brings together entrepreneurs to be of common knowledge of what truly is entrepreneurship. It, in a way, opens up horizons to various people who do business and who wants to do business.

The internet has evolved as the common pathway for selling business, ideas and concepts to anyone and everyone who has access to it. it also became an endless pool of information that is useful in any fields or industries. It simply ahs got it all.

But among the most widespread of activity done in the internet is selling. From matchsticks to machines. From home made goods to website selling. And from screws to houses. the internet virtually cater all types of services that are both new and old to ears.

And being the central thing to the web aside from research functions and the like, entrepreneurs has taken central stage to making the world wide web a vibrant arena for creating money. In fact, its effects have even extended to many new forms of businesses that were totally impossible a decade ago.

We may go on forever talking about the World Wide Web and you’ll bet, that forever wont end. so let us stop here now and take the flow of our topic to entrepreneurship and the role of entreprenuer.com in continuing business.

What makes an entrepreneur is normally the question that pops up when talking about Entrepreneur.com. Not that the website is entirely dedicated to giving advises on making entrepreneur or guidelines to making it through the entrepreneurial world, its just that too many people are interested in making their own money and the consequences of doing so. And the website seems to be credible enough for businessmen to set their trusts on what it says.

But hey, I can also get information on entrepreneurship from other websites, you say. Well you cant be far from the truth. Any website can actually publish articles and stories on how to become an entrepreneur and the secrets of becoming famous. And anyone can build a website as trustworthy as Entreprenur.com. However, because we are much too accustomed with the features that this website presents and because it is simply the first site that you will see when you search on Google, we cant help but notice it first.

The website also works as the meeting section for newer options, ideas and concepts for entrepreneurs. Since it acts as the counterpoint, it assures its visitors that all fresh stuffs in the entrepreneurial world are first heard here. One good reason to enjoy your every click with the website. It’s like getting the hottest news straight from the people themselves.

Actually there are a number websites who offer the same services as those that may be found in Entrepenuer.com. And it is not difficult to find them. The links would provide the ways towards them. However, if it is untarnished credibility that you prefer, you can trust that Entreprenuer.com has all the resources that you desire.

As with other websites with a specific theme, Entrepreneur.com acts as the passageway for bringing different entrepreneurs together through the message board or through the sections that they post. It is incalculable how much help this website has brought to so many budding, young and veteran businessmen who visit their site. It’s just that anyone has the equal chance for reliable information.

And because the web has morphed into juggling websites with links that point you to another link and eventually to nowhere, it is easier to get lost along the way. And getting lost means the absence of actual information that you initially had set your mind to find. Entreprenuer.com has made ways to eliminate this factor. A good service to all for maintenance of credibility. Well, in case you get lost with the links provided by the website, it is easier to find the way back and continue working on what you originally intended to do.

And what more would do you good than to get the first hand information from the website itself.
As we have said, they are easier to reach than you would have first imagined.

Entrepreneur Business Opportunity

How Entrepreneurs Take Business Opportunities

They say that opportunity only knocks twice. In the business world, however, opportunities do not get the chance to knock before they are shoved through the door.

You see, entrepreneurs take business opportunities very seriously. Serious entrepreneurs do not wait for opportunity to come to them. They study their environment and find the opportunity.

Opportunity counts for so much in the business world. Whenever you encounter an opportunity, you need to grasp it and submit it to your will. Entrepreneurs treat business opportunities differently. Here are some views of entrepreneurs on how to take advantage of business opportunities:

1) Seduction – some entrepreneurs find business opportunities to be like a woman. You need to properly seduce a business opportunity. You see, with one wrong move, a business opportunity can fly out of your grasp.

Thus, you need to study the opportunity. Is she mysterious? If so, what can she be hiding? What can help you pull that opportunity towards you?

Seduction of the business opportunity is a game of balance. You cannot be too eager or the opportunity will get suspicious and pull away. You cannot be too aloof, or the business opportunity will go to other entrepreneurs.

You have to show that you are the proper person to get that opportunity. You have to treat it with the proper respect. After all, you are the entrepreneur who needs that opportunity.

2) Prey – some entrepreneurs think business opportunities are like prey. They enjoy the thrill of hunting for a perfect business opportunity and take them down for the kill. For these entrepreneurs, business opportunities should be watched out for.

These people watch their environment, hoping for any sign of business opportunities. Constant vigilance is their creed, and nothing can stand in the way of their success. By taking this mindset, you gain the instinct of the hunter. You become very competitive in terms of taking business opportunities. Sometimes, this is a good thing, leading you to your success.

There are times, however, when this mindset can lead to your downfall. Hunters often love the thrill of the hunt, but neglect to take care of the opportunity once they have them in their hands. You know that you need to take care of every opportunity in order for it to be of any use to you.

3) A plant – smart entrepreneurs view business opportunities as plants. They plant the seeds of opportunity and nourish it to make it grow into a successful business venture.

This view of business opportunities is probably the best considering the fact that opportunities really do need to be taken care of in order for an entrepreneur to achieve success. Getting the opportunity is just the start of being an entrepreneur. In order to gather the fruits of success, an entrepreneur should be able to not only get the opportunity, but expand it.

4) Luck -Some entrepreneurs see business opportunities as lucky coincidences or even a work of fate. They, of course, keep a lookout for business opportunities. However, they do not actively work to find some.

This Entrepreneur’s view of business opportunity is probably the most naïve in today’s world of business. As was mentioned earlier, opportunities nowadays have very little chance of falling into someone’s lap. By waiting for the business opportunity to come to you, you are probably wasting your time.

What you need to do is get up off that chair and start looking at your environment and make the opportunity for yourself. What are the advantages to this? Well, if you create your own opportunity, then you’ll have direct access to it and have intimate knowledge of how to shape it into a great business venture.

Another plus to creating your own business opportunity is that you will be getting a head start. This means that you can forget about the competition taking your opportunity and beating you to the success that you so anticipated.

So how should entrepreneurs view business opportunities? Well, the best thing you can do is take all of the different views and try to balance them into your own view. Remember that different things work for different people. Try not to conform yourself to other entrepreneurs’ views of business opportunities. This way, you can be at your most effective.

An Entrepreneur’s Biography

Is Spearheading a Business Meant for You?

Not because you’ve got the capital to start a business means that you will be assured of being successful with your business. The truth is, not all people are meant to be successful in running a business. Logically speaking, not every individual is tailored to become one fine entrepreneur. Running a business requires special skill, talent, and ability.

While other people have these factors, a lot of individuals who try out the business world also lack them. It is just like managing plants. If one is a green thumb, then he will likely grow the plants well. It is just the same with business. If you are gifted with such special talents, then you can prove your worth in this line.

Before pursuing any dream in entrepreneurial, you’ve got to take time to analyze things about yourself. When you start investing energy, time, and money, it means you must expect for something in return. But then you cannot be assured of winnings in terms of business because there is no guaranteed assurance with business.

Simply taking things in consideration, risks cannot in any way be eliminated. After all, doing business means facing your fears, facing the challenges, and getting it on with the competition. One particular tip for budding entrepreneurs is to always start with smaller capitals so that when losses confront you, it will not be too disappointing on your part. Small businesses are open for the possibilities of improving them to make them big. Armed with careful planning, a great dose of preparation, and the needed insight, entrepreneurial will prove to be on the good side.

So how do you start assessing if you are meant to run a business? It is easy. Simply assess your personality. What are your strengths? What are your weaknesses? By recognizing these things that lie within yourself, you will be able to determine the utmost possibilities about your future in the business world. For some pointers, follow these guidelines:

If you are a self-starter, then you most probably have no previous experience in the trade. It means that you will start from scratch. Hence, the development of your supposed to be projects in the coming days and the organization of your time will lie in your own hands. You need therefore to keep track of every single vital detail.

Consider your relationship with people. You will not work by yourself. You need to deal with people. They may be your business partners, your customers, bankers, company staffs, consultants, accountants, lawyers, or other vendors in the business market. You need to develop good rapport. The reputation that you will craft for yourself will be the determining factor for your niche in the market.

Next, how are you when it comes to decision-making? Are you good at it? You must expect that you will be moving in a world that is filled with pressure so your decisions must be rendered quickly, effectively, and independently.

Another thing to consider is your physical well-being. Running a business requires too much of your time. If you are not physically equipped then there is no hope for you. What will happen to you after handling almost 24 hours a day and 7 days a week of work? Do you think you will be able to hang on?

Next pointer to bear in mind is your capacity to organize and carry on with plans. A poorly planned business leads to failures. But then good organization means financial rewards.

How is your drive? Will it be enough for you to be able to handle all those emotional stresses? When you are the business owner, the responsibility solely lies on your shoulder. A good foundation and motivation will always improve your drive to succeed in the business.

Consider also the effect of your being a business owner to the people around you. If you are a family-oriented person, surely you will lack time for them. You must ensure that they will understand you in this aspect. Research studies show that the first few years of the business are the most crucial as the business interferes with personal relationships. Therefore, you must learn how to balance things so that everything will work out just fine.

Moreover, for an entrepreneur to succeed, he must always be persevering and patient. Rushing things will not help. It also goes to mean that the earning of the profit need not be rushed. One must always start things slow until such time that great opportunities come and knock. There is always the appropriate time to shine.

The Entrepreneur Website

An Essential Key to Success

Most of today’s emerging entrepreneurs prefer to conduct their business online. Thanks to the internet, entrepreneurs can now reach different countries all over the world just to advertise and sell their products or services. If you want to become a successful internet entrepreneur, you must focus on your entrepreneur website. And why is that?

The foundation of an internet business is the website. Your success is dependent on the perception, feel, and look of your site. It is therefore very important to maximize your site’s effectiveness so that more subscribers are attracted to it and in turn boost your sales.

You must be able to have a squeeze page on your website. How will you do it? First and foremost, you must have a hosting account and domain. The domain should be in the hosting account. You can build your website by going to Microsoft FrontPage. This is a very easy thing to do so you will not encounter many problems. The form found in the squeeze page should match with the Autoresponder form. This way, personal information on the squeeze page can be captured correctly.

To catch the attention of internet users, your site must have a captivating headline. You can entice subscribers by giving them free bonus reports, newsletter, or even eBooks.

Some entrepreneurs put their photos on their site’s squeeze page. If you want to do the same, you must be extra careful as photos take up great file sizes. Your photo file should be reduced to a smaller size first so that it will not affect the boot up of the squeeze page. Waiting too long for a page to boot up will definitely discourage visitors.

Putting your photo is not a very good idea because some visitors are distracted by it and so they might miss some important information on the site. Sticking to text only on your squeeze page is the best way to load faster and provide all the information needed by the visitor.

If you can do these things to your website, you will not have many problems and not only that, more people will want to subscribe. Many entrepreneurs have started from scratch. Some of then even had to experience botched partnerships, failed businesses, bankruptcy, and heavy debts but despite the misfortunes, many entrepreneurs were able to survive. Now, they are earning thousands of profits every year.

Becoming a millionaire as an internet entrepreneur is not that hard. In fact, putting a physical business is harder than establishing an online business. However, both require hard work, dedication, and perseverance.

If you have the qualities and skills of an entrepreneur, you must try to establish your place on the web right now. Know your online business opportunities and start by creating an effective website.

As mentioned earlier, the entrepreneur website is one of the important keys to success. There is extreme competition among entrepreneurs online so you must be ready for it. Try to identify a market need that you have to meet and then answer that need by putting up an online business.

There are many resources that you can find online to help you out as you start your online business. You have to do some research so that your efforts will be rewarded when the right time comes. Being an entrepreneur is the best way to reach your dreams the soonest.

Boost Your Entrepreneur Profit through Effective Steps

A successful entrepreneurial business has many parts but it always begins with the understanding of why you do such work. Aside from that, as an entrepreneur you should also understand the people you serve, their struggles, and the difference that your business will bring to their lives.

You also have to reach your clients in such a way as to make them fervent to do business with someone like you. The most important thing is to be able to manage your energy so that you can do your work effectively and earn great profits.

If you want profit to consistently flow to your business venture, here are the necessary steps that you need to take:

• You have to make it clear to everybody what you’re doing and why you are doing it. You should avoid mistakes as much as possible. Everything and everyone has a certain purpose. As an entrepreneur, you’re considered a «unique» individual. If you can clarify this to yourself, you will feel a surge of energy and enthusiasm. These things can attract prospective clients. Everything you do now is like a magnet that attracts energy.

• The next thing that you have to do in order to earn great profits is to establish your market. You should have an exact target for your products or services. You have to study the qualities of your customers so that you can make your own product or service stand out from your competitors.

• You should make use of every marketing material that you have to craft a significant message to your customers. You have to communicate with them honestly and authentically. Everything you do should be rooted in truthfulness and reliability. By doing this, you will attract more clients. With your energy, people will be drawn to you.

• Some entrepreneurs fail because of doubt and fear. They hesitate to take some risks involved in the business. They doubt their abilities and skills. This is a barrier that you should be able to knock down otherwise clients will shy away from you.

• The next thing is to organize your schedules. Prioritize… your business obligations and responsibilities should be done at the right time and at the right order. You have to manage your time effectively. If you can develop and master this skill, it will mean more clients and definitely, more money.

• You have to have the right system for your business so that you can also have time away from work and be able to generate new ideas for other business ventures. You must have a system for your business operations, marketing, and offerings.

• Change is the only thing permanent in this world. You have to adjust your business ideas according to these changes. Try to see if the products or services you offer are still in demand.

• Some entrepreneurs live only for their business. They often forget about achieving the proper balance between personal and business life. You have to establish specific strategies so that you can enjoy your success in all aspects of your life.

By following these steps, you will surely have a more successful business life and you can expect more money to come your way. Being an entrepreneur will surely give you more money that what you’ve ever imagined. Do you want to become an entrepreneur? Don’t forget to follow these quick steps.